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The sun hung low in the sky as Taehyung and Namjoon stepped off the plane, greeted by a gentle breeze that carried the fragrance of the sea. The moment they set foot on Jeju Island's soil, a sense of tranquility washed over them. This was the romantic getaway they had been looking forward to, a chance to escape the bustling city and immerse themselves in nature's and each other's embrace.

As per the plan.
We've to go to the tangerine plantations today pick some fret tangerines and then early-morning visit to witness the sunrise together tomorrow and then-"
Tae blabbered while he looked through his phone.
"Bubba,ik i planned it, I'm thinking of rethinking the early morning trek uk"
Namjoon said as they waited fo their cab.

"Huh whyy?"
Tae whined to which namjoon just opened the door of their taxi for tae,smirked and said
"I don't think we can wake up early"

"What the fuck Kim?!"
Tae whisper yelled as they started heading towards their hotel.

As they settled into the taxi, Taehyung couldn't help but pout playfully at Namjoon's remark. "Come on, Namjoonie, we can do it! For the sunrise and the adventure!" he said, trying to convince his partner with a mischievous grin.

Namjoon chuckled, loving Taehyung's enthusiasm. "Alright, alright, we'll give it a try," he relented, pulling Taehyung into a warm embrace. "But if we can't wake up early, we'll just have to find another beautiful spot on the island to enjoy the sunset together."

Taehyung's eyes lit up, pleased with the compromise. "Deal! Now, let's focus on today first. I can't wait to visit the tangerine plantations. I've heard they have the juiciest tangerines ever!"

The taxi ride to the tangerine plantations was a picturesque journey, with the scenic views of Jeju Island unfolding before them. As they arrived at the plantation, they were greeted by friendly farmers who guided them through the fields. Taehyung and Namjoon picked tangerines, laughing and playfully competing to find the sweetest and ripest ones.

"Omfg that's a huge one"

Taehyung said comparing the tangerine to namjoon's hand.

"It's as big as my hand"
Namjoon remarked trying not to say anything "non innocent"

"Ikr,well uk I'm going to win with such a progress in gathering them you should give up"

Taehyung said sassily putting the tangerine into his basket.

"Oh we'll seeee who wins"

Tae said counting the last fruit in his basket.


Namjoon said folding his hands over his chest a playful smirk on his lips.

With bags full of tangerines, they returned to their hotel, looking forward to indulging in the fresh fruits later. The evening was spent strolling along the beach, hand in hand, watching the sun dip below the horizon. The sky painted in hues of orange and pink, mirroring the colors of their love for each other.

As night fell, Taehyung and Namjoon enjoyed a cozy candlelit dinner at a charming restaurant, savoring the local delicacies of Jeju Island. The atmosphere was filled with joy and affection, and they couldn't have asked for a more perfect setting.

Back at their hotel room, they snuggled under the soft covers, gazing out of the window at the starry sky. Taehyung felt a sense of contentment wash over him as he intertwined his fingers with Namjoon's.

"This is everything I wanted, Namjoonie," Taehyung whispered, his voice filled with happiness.

Namjoon smiled warmly, pressing a gentle kiss to Taehyung's forehead. "And it's only the beginning, my love. We have so many more beautiful moments ahead of us on this magical island."

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