O1. the saviour

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act one chapter one
season one episode one
❝ so that's your shrink. ❞

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"you're too late."

the seven dwarves look up from a glass coffin when they see a man dismounting his horse a few feet away. "no, no!" prince charming exclaims, just as crestfallen as doc and the six other dwarves.

"i'm sorry, she's gone." grumpy expresses something other than, well, grumpiness as he solemnly looks down at the coffin.

"at least let me say goodbye." grumpy and two other dwarves hesitantly remove the coffin lid to reveal the woman inside. even on her deathbed, the now peacefully resting snow white was just as beautiful as she was while she was alive.

the prince leans down and kisses her red, frozen lips for the first and last time. if only he had told her he loved her while he had the chance. as soon as his lips press against hers, a burst of magic erupts and spreads throughout the enchanted forest like a sudden gust of wind. the ebony-haired woman awakes with a gasp, much to the men's surprise.

"you... you found me," she says, breathless from both wonder and trying to remember how to breathe again.

"did you ever doubt i would?" charming asks with a large smile on his face as he takes snow's hand in his.

"truthfully? the glass coffin gave me pause." the two chuckle as the prince gently squeezes her hand.

"well, you never have to worry. i will always find you."

"do you promise?"


"i do." charming lovingly gazes at his bride-to-be across from him as the bishop continues.

"and do you, snow white, promise to take this man to be your husband, and love him for all eternity?"

luckily for charming, snow immediately responds with a confident 'i do'. "i now pronounce you husband and wife." the audience cheers as the newlyweds share true love's kiss for the first time as a married couple. the kingdom's happiness doesn't last long, though, as the doors slam open from something much stronger than a gust of wind.

the cheering stops as a powerful-looking woman dressed in black and elegantly adorned with expensive jewelry sashays in as if she owned the place. technically, she did, as she was the queen. "sorry i'm late," she announces, dispelling guards with her magic as she crosses the room and stops a few feet away from the prince and princess.

"it's the queen! run!" doc yells, resulting in everyone screaming and desperately rushing towards the doors and any other opening in sight. snow white draws her husband's sword and points it at the queen, causing everyone to start quieting down.

"she's not a queen anymore! she's nothing more than an evil witch!"

"no, no, no; don't stoop to her level, there's no need." charming lowers the sword, but snow's glare remains. "you're wasting your time," he continues, looking back at snow's stepmother. "you've already lost. i will not let you ruin this wedding."

"oh, i haven't come here to ruin anything. on the contrary, dear, i've come to give you a gift," the queen responds, smiling wickedly at the two.

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