16. ashley boyd

432 22 10

act one chapter sixteen
season one episode four
❝ oh, can it, m! ❞

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ella and her prince make their way down the steps into the ballroom of their palace and are met with excited cheers and loud applause. the newlyweds start to dance, occasionally switching partners with the other guests.

meanwhile, two siblings dance together near one of the refreshments tables until prince charming comes over. "if i may," james interrupts the two's twirling with a smile, "i'd like to ask the best dancer in all the realms to dance with me."

"oh, i'd love to!" fritz stahlbaum exclaims with a playful gleam in his eyes. his sister gently slaps his shoulder before smiling up at snow's husband and placing her hand in his outstretched one.

"i'd be honoured."

"i'll be here," fritz calls out after them as the two make their way to the centre of the ballroom. he turns to the pastries on the table and smirks. "now, which of you should i taste test first?"

"i apologise for him, james," clara says with a curtsy. james bows and starts leading the dance.

"even princes need to taste test all the cakes in the land, your highness," he replies with a chuckle, twirling the younger girl around. "i'm sure snow will drag him away to dance sometime soon. i haven't seen your father all night; is he alright?"

"he's trying to solve some problems in the land of flowers. we're having issues with the soil. i'm afraid louise will go mad if we don't fix it soon."

"well, if you need any help, snow and i are here for you."

clara smiles and bows her head. "thank you, your highness." the two continue to dance until they switch partners, charming ending up with snow again and clara ending up with ella's new husband, prince thomas.

"congratulations on your wedding, prince thomas," clara greets with a smile as the dance continues.

"why, thank you, princess clara." the man smiles as well and takes her hands in his. "i hope you and your family are enjoying the festivities."

"we are. i'm sure fritz has devoured half your cookies and cakes by now, though."

thomas chuckles and shakes his head. "don't worry. we can always make more."


"so, this boyfriend of hers, you don't think he was involved in her disappearance?" emma swan asks ruby outside granny's diner. ruby places something down on a table between two customers. "uh, that would mean he was involved with her at all, which he isn't."

she turns around and takes a few steps closer to emma, henry, and marie. "he left her in the lurch right after they found out they were expecting. hasn't spoken to her since. like i said-"

behind the trio, ruby's car makes a loud noise. the brunette quickly runs over at the commotion. "hey, hey, hey! billy! be careful! you almost shattered my wolf thing, billy. it's good luck."

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