13. notes and emails

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act one chapter thirteen
season one episode two - three
❝ you jinxed it! you can't undo that! ❞

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"william!" marie yells from the foyer as she fixes her hair in the hall mirror. "we can't miss the bus! you have too much to carry!" she hears footsteps running down the steps and looks in the direction of the noise to see william, or, rather, the large poster board he was holding out in front of him.

"a little help?" he calls out from behind the project. "i thought father was driving us."

"he left a note." marie helps him get his backpack on his shoulders before slipping her arms through the straps of her own school bag and picking up her dance bag.

"but the bus is full of animals," william whines. "i'd rather walk."

"we're not walking when you have that thing in your arms."

william huffs and struggles to open the door. when he succeeds, he walks out in front of marie and waits for her to shut and lock the door before walking down the porch steps. the siblings start to walk down the sidewalk to the bus stop.

"do you have ballet after school?" william asks as marie uses her free hand to help steady his project. she nods.

"every day until next saturday."

"can i come?"

"paige doesn't have dance today."

wiliam shrugs. "okay."

marie looks down at him with a small confused smile. "you're coming for me?"

"don't flatter yourself."

marie grins and looks back in front of her. they continue to talk about whatever one of them brought up until they reach the bus stop. marie sees the blonde woman from granny's the other day with henry and raises an eyebrow when she overhears them talking about operation cobra.


the girl walks closer to henry and smiles. "hey, henry."

while henry helps william get his project on the bus and turns to look at the woman. "good mo-" she pauses when she sees the human lie detector infront of her. of course. miss blanchard had introduced her as regina's friend and henry himself had pointed her out as his birth mother while they were in granny's. perhaps all the chemicals in the school's science lab had fried her brain cells.

and she'd be sure to tell william that she has indeed met henry's birth mother before today.

"good morning," she tries again, smiling up at the woman. "i apologise for taking this long to connect the very clear dots." yeah, she wasn't going to stop being annoyed at herself for that today.

"oh, don't worry about it, kid," emma reassures with a small smile of her own. "it's clara, right?"


"marie," the brunette hesitantly corrects.

"right, yeah, mary margaret introduced you. looks like we both forgot about each other," emma says with a chuckle. "i'm emma. emma swan."

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