O4. operation cobra

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act one chapter four
season one episode one - two
❝ munchkins are from
oz, m. keep up. ❞

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henry was indeed at his castle. a wooden playground one counted, didn't it? the boy stares straight ahead as he gently swings his legs back and forth underneath the wooden platform. emma climbs up behind him and walks up to him with the book.

"she cracked, didn't she?" henry asks without looking up at her, referring to marie. emma chuckles and sits down beside him.

"she tried her best. that's some friend you got there, kid." when he doesn't answer, she hands him the storybook he had left in her car. henry looks down at it and takes it, but quickly goes back to staring straight ahead. emma follows his gaze and sees the clock tower across the beach. "still hasn't moved, huh?" she remarks, referring to the hands on the clock.

"i was hoping that when i brought you back, things would change here. that the final battle will begin."

after a while of talking, arguing, insisting, and pleading, mother and son stand up and walk away from the playground hand in hand. when they reach the mayor's house, henry runs in, leaving his mothers to argue for a bit out on the front porch. a few minutes later, regina walks into henry's room to find him lying on his bed and quietly takes the storybook before slipping out of the room.

a couple seconds after she shuts his bedroom door behind her, henry springs up and runs over to his computer. not noticing his book missing, he boots up the computer and clicks away at his keyboard before sending an email.

be at granny's before school tomorrow. i need your help with something.

hours later, henry sits at his window, watching the clock tower. he grins excitedly when the minute hand ticks. looks like the saviour decided to stay in storybrooke after all.


a black horse neighs as it slowly trots alongside a soldier, both boy and animal following a young girl in a fitting lilac dress. they stop once they reach a large hollowed-out tree trunk turned on its side. the girl turns around to face the soldier and gives him a small smile.

"please come back to the realms one day," the boy insists, a hopeful look in his eyes.

"of course i will. or maybe one day, you could come to my world. you can meet my family."

"are they like you?"

the girl chuckles and glances down before looking back up at the boy. "well, they're a bit different." a moment of silence passes before the soldier breaks it.

"i'm going to miss you."

"i'll miss you too," the girl smiles and holds her hands out infront of her for her friend to take. when he places his hands in hers, she continues. "but when you miss someone, you remember them."

"are you sure?"

the girl nods. "and one day, that will make you smile. i promise you." she hesitantly lets go of the boy's hands. both their arms drop to their sides.

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