O5. newton's third law

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act one chapter five
season one episode two
❝ sorry, i did what and i'm going to lie to who? ❞

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"who is she?" marie questions, observing the woman reading the paper at the counter.

"oh, right. i forgot to tell you, but she's my birth mother."

marie's now-widened eyes immediately shift back to henry. "you mean, you succeeded?" miss blanchard had introduced emma to her as 'regina's friend', and since she couldn't quite see emma's face from this angle, the pieces hadn't clicked just yet.

"you sound surprised. did you ever doubt me?"

marie contemplates his question for a second – resulting in an 'ouch' from henry – and takes a sip of her water.


"you're going where?" marie hisses as she leans back in her seat on the chair in front of the computer in henry's room. she knew he didn't want her there to help revise for a maths test. he really did need some help in the subject, but there was no way she was travelling all the way to massachusetts to help him study during his trip.

"boston," henry states as he picks up his storybook and slips it into his backpack. "i need to find my mom."

"regina's your mother."

"i mean my birth mom." the brunet drapes his scarf around his shoulders and sits down on the foot of his bed, looking directly at the girl across from him. "i can't explain everything right now, but i promise i will once i bring her here."

"you really think your birth mother's going to want to come all the way here from boston because you asked nicely?"

"it's the least she can do; she gave me away."

marie gives him a small smile. he sounded like he was just messing around, but she detected a hint of sadness in his voice. "i suppose there's no stopping you."

"you suppose right."

was that even the correct way to say it? marie giggles and shakes her head. "well, then, i'm coming with you."

"you'd do that?"

"you're my friend, henry. plus, you're ten years old. if some random hobo kidnaps you on a bus," she pauses and knocks three times on the wooden desk, "you'll need a friend to help you with the pepper spray."

"as much as i appreciate you jinxing my mission like that, you have to stay here and make sure my mom doesn't find out i'm gone."

"she's your mother. do you really think she can go hours without noticing you're gone? it's around an eight-hour round trip."

"time's frozen-"

"the clock's just busted."

"- the clock is FROZEN, so i think we can outsmart her."

"say i do decide to cover for you," marie starts. "how will i answer regina if she finds out you're not actually with me and asks me where you are?"

"i'm sure you can figure that out. you figured out how to reverse a frankenstein laser thing for toys and turn the sugar plum fairy back into a doll, so i'm pretty sure you can figure out how to lie to the evil queen for a few hours."

"i'm sorry, i did what and i'm going to lie to who?"

henry stands up and picks up his backpack before walking over to his closed door. "like i said," he starts, opening it and stepping out of his room. "i'll explain everything when i come back with my mom."


"for a moment, i did," marie says with a shrug. henry rolls his eyes and taps his fingers against the table. "you need to get to school. i'll have my mom walk me. we can't let my other mom – regina – know we're planning something."

"we are?"

"operation cobra!" henry exclaims, "she'll get suspicious if she finds out we're both late to school, so it's best if only one of us is."

"fine. i'll see you after your session with dr. hopper, then." marie nods once and stands up before grabbing her dance bag from under the table and slinging her school bag over her shoulders again. her friend shakes his head.

"you have dance class right after dismissal." right. "just pick me up after school so we can discuss operation cobra while we walk to the studio."

"sounds like a plan." marie smiles and finishes her water before placing the glass back down on the table. "see you later." with that, she turns and walks out of granny's diner.



marie turns around to see her brother charging at her like a bull at a bullfighter. she raises her arms and stops him from crashing into her by holding him back by his shoulders. "why isn't father with you?"

william shrugs. "he was going to be late to work, so he let me walk on my own today." marie frowns and turns back around, the two continuing their way to school side by side.

"i'm sorry. we can go back to walking together tomorrow."

tomorrow wasn't close enough. "can i come with you to the studio after school?" william asks. marie looks down at him with a raised eyebrow. "what? i like dancing!"

after eyeing him suspiciously for a few more seconds, she suddenly smirks and gently shoves his shoulder. "you just want to see paige in the room next to mine, don't you?"

william blushes and shakes his head while shoving her in return. "nuh-uh!" he denies, looking away from his sister. marie laughs and ruffles his hair as the two near storybrooke elementary.

"don't worry. my lips are sealed."


once they reach the school, marie stops him and looks down at him with a smile. "hey." william hesitantly glances up at her and waits for her to continue. "newton's third law of physics says that?"

"...every action has an equal and opposite," william answers, "reaction." they finish the statement together. the younger walter smiles and nods at his sister. "okay. see you after school!" he turns and gets ready to run off to find his friends.

"oh, henry's going to walk with us!" marie calls out before he gets too far.

"yes!" william yells back, pumping his fist in the air and joining his friends under one of the trees. marie scoffs but keeps her smile as she starts walking to storybrooke middle school. if she hurried, she could cut the five minute walk into a two or three minute one and get there right before the bell rang.

with a sigh, she quickens her pace and turns a corner before disappearing from william's sight.

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