O7. odette

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act one chapter seven
season one episode two
❛ oh, how the walter children
loved pop quizzes. ❜

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"i wonder if they get along," paige voices as she walks down a short hallway with the two walters.

"who?" marie asks as she begins to climb up the spiral staircase.

"henry's mothers, of course," paige answers, following her friend up the wooden steps.

"i don't think they do," marie chuckles, "miss blanchard did have to bail her out of jail. i doubt regina wants all that around henry."

"you don't even know his birth mother," william chimes in. "she could be nice!"

marie shrugs. "i'll believe it when i see it. she's henry's mother, but regina might not let her have a chance to be his mum." the trio reach the top of the staircase and walk a little further down the hallway. marie and william stop outside the second door on the right while paige walks to the third door.

"i'll see you later," marie says with a smile in paige's direction. after receiving one in return, she walks into the dance room with her brother trailing behind.

"i thought you'd be watching paige," she teases as soon as he shuts the door behind him.

"i didn't want to make it obvious," will says with a scoff, acting as if stalking his crush who also happened to be his sister's best female friend was the most chill thing on the planet. marie rolls her eyes and tosses her school bag a few feet away from the door before heading over to the other side of the empty room and stepping behind the screen divider to change.

"why is it empty?" william inquires as he sits down next to her bag and plops his own backpack on his lap.

"the high schoolers end at three-fifteen. we end at three," marie explains from behind the divider as she pulls out her black leotard and white tights. william checks the time on the clock between the windows on the wall across the room.

"what am i supposed to do for ten minutes!?"

"you could do your homework," marie suggests. "if you get hungry, there are snacks in my school bag." as expected, william immediately unzips her bag and rummages through her things before pulling out her lunchbox with a grin. he quickly opens it only to make a face at the contents. "carrot sticks and grapes? where are the sweets? dad always packs fruit roll-ups or something."

"it's called healthy eating, will. if you get hungry, snack on those. if you finish, i'll get you some oreos."


marie steps out of the divider with her dance bag and quickly ties her hair up into a bun before walking over to her school bag and dropping her dance bag on top of it. william pops a grape into his mouth as she walks to the centre of the classroom and starts stretching. "are the high schoolers better than you at dancing?"

"you come to my recitals. what do you think?"

"... you're better."

marie sends her brother a smile before lowering herself to the floor in a front split facing him. "ouch." william winces at the sight before picking up another grape. "what do you think?"

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