O6. lies and excuses

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act one chapter six
season one episode two
❝ wednesdays, am i right? ❞

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marie slides into her seat right before the school bell rings. a blonde props herself up on marie's desk and crosses her legs as she grins down at her. "i was wondering if you'd make it in time."

"have i ever been late before, paige?" the brunette smirks up at the slightly older girl and hangs her school bag on the back of her chair before kicking her dance bag under her table.

"doesn't mean i'm going to stop waiting for the day our future valedictorian is late to class."

"we have years before that happens, blondie."

"i can't wait for high school," paige sighs. "imagine how much fun we'll have."

"imagine how much fun we'll have at the studio after school." marie giggles and pokes paige's side. "especially since my brother will be joining us," she adds in a sing-song voice.

paige laughs and shakes her head. "well, the more the merrier!"

"you do know he has the biggest crush on you, right?"

"of course i know, m. i think it's-"

"miss grace!" their conversation is interrupted by their teacher. "how many times have i told you, paige; the class president does not sit on their classmates' desks!" marie snickers and keeps her head down to avoid eye contact with a giggling paige.

"sorry, mr. browne," paige apologises, getting off of the desk and taking the clipboard the teacher was handing out to her. she clears her throat and props herself up on mr. browne's desk instead, earning an exasperated sigh from him and amused chortles from her classmates. "you all know the drill for attendance!"


"sorry, mr. browne!" marie mocks as she walks out of storybrooke middle school with paige. "that was the most insincere apology to ever leave your lips!"

paige scoffs and adjusts the strap of her dance bag. "it was better than the one you came up with last week when your lab partner blew up your science project!"

"it's not my fault i got paired with him," marie groans, turning a corner and continuing to walk with her friend. "he wouldn't know the table of elements if it slapped him in the face."

paige laughs and comes to a halt when she sees two younger boys making their way over to them. "hi, you guys," she greets once they get close enough. paige gets a 'hi' from henry and a 'h-h-hey, p-paige,' from william. marie's brother's blush seems to redden when the blonde smiles at him.

marie smirks and ruffles her brother's hair. "how was school?" she asks as they start to walk to the pedestrian crossing a few feet away.

"it was okay. we learnt about the synthesis of water," william replies with a shrug. "pretty basic stuff."

"i will never get over how smart the two of you are," paige mutters. "like sister, like brother. what about you, henry? did you find that lesson 'basic'?"

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