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act one chapter eleven
season one episode two - three
❝ look at me, i'm talking to a toy. ❞

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after the family finishes dinner and the movie and they clean up after themselves, mr. walter grabs a football from one end of the dining table.

"let's go tire you out."

as soon as the words leave owen's lips, william zooms out the back door and into the backyard. owen tosses the ball up in the air and catches it before turning to look at his daughter who was turning the television off.

"do you want me to come say goodnight later?"

marie shakes her head and sets the remote down as the television screen turns black. "no. you should get some sleep. you have that early meeting tomorrow." she walks over to him and stands en pointe to press a kiss to her father's cheek.

"early goodnight, father," she says with a smile before turning and walking upstairs. her father bids her goodnight as well before walking out the back door after william.

after getting ready for bed, marie shuts her door and turns off her light before turning on her reading light and opening her science textbook. when she leans back against her headboard and opens it, a few folded up papers fall out and into her lap. the brunette narrows her eyes in confusion and closes her book, setting it down on her nightstand before picking up the papers and unfolding them.

the familiar pages of henry's storybook unfold and marie smiles in confusion. how did they get in there? as she sorts them out by page number, she remembers how william was sitting next to her bags during her ballet lesson.


"it's not my fault i got paired with him," marie groans, turning a corner and continuing to walk with her friend. "he wouldn't know the table of elements if it slapped him in the face."

paige laughs and comes to a halt when she sees two younger boys making their way over to them.

"remember, put these where she can find them," henry whispers as he walks closer to the girls with william by his side. he passes the folded-up pages of his storybook to him behind their backs. will immediately slips them into the pocket of his school trousers.

"i know. what are these papers, by the way?"

"pages from my storybook."

"and you want her to read fairytales? she went off them years ago to focus on her science. the only fairytales she'll bother with are the ones for her recitals."

"i'll explain everything later. just do this for me. please?"

"alright. i'll do it."

"hi, you guys," paige greets once the boys get close enough. she gets a 'hi' from henry and a 'h-h-hey, p-paige,' from william. marie's brother's blush seems to redden when the blonde smiles at him.

marie smirks and ruffles her brother's hair. "how was school?" she asks as they start to walk to the pedestrian crossing a few feet away. "it was okay. we learnt about the synthesis of water," william replies with a shrug. "pretty basic stuff."

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