1O. pure coincidences

653 24 5

act one chapter ten
season one episode two
❝ that's impossible, will. ❞

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a few hours earlier...

"i'd like to apologise, miss swan."

regina and emma are seated in the mayor's office. regina had told emma she wanted to make peace with her if she was going to stay, but she's the evil queen. she's a snake in iron-pressed pantsuits. after arguing for a bit, regina asks why emma was really here in storybrooke if she had no intention of taking henry away from her.

"i know i'm not a mother — i think that's pretty self-evident — but i did have him, and i can't help it. he got in my head and i want to make sure he's okay. the more you try to push me out, the more i want to be here, especially after seeing how... troubled... he is."

regina leans forward in her seat. "you think he's troubled?" she presses, seeing henry trying to hide behind the wall next to the door to eavesdrop. she had to crack emma in front of him.

"well, he's in therapy, and i only got through a couple pages of his shrink's notes before you had me arrested. but putting all that aside, he thinks everyone in this town is a fairytale character."

"and you don't?"

"how can i? the poor kid can't even tell the difference between fantasy and reality and it's only getting worse. it's crazy."

"you think i'm crazy?" a kid's voice asks from the doorway. emma immediately turns around to see henry and widens her eyes.

"henry..." she starts, standing up as he runs out of the office. the woman then turns around to look at a smirking regina.

"how long was he there?" she asks, clearly angered.

"long enough," regina replies smugly.

"you knew he would be here."

"did i know that my son comes to my office every thursday at precisely five p.m. so i can take him for dinner before his therapy session? of course i did. i'm his mother." the darker-haired woman makes sure to emphasise 'mother'. "your move."

emma scoffs. "you have no soul. how in the hell did you get like this?"

regina simply continues smirking and leans back in her armchair as emma turns back around and walks out of her office.


the walters are currently seated on the long couch in front of the television, watching a movie about toys coming to life whenever their human wasn't around. william laughs as buzz gushes over jessie in spanish and quickly gets jealous of woody before taking a bite of his slice of pepperoni pizza.

'thank goodness for captions,' marie thinks as she too smiles at the scene from toy story before taking a bite of her own slice.

"wouldn't it be cool to have toys that came to life? you'd never run out of friends," william remarks. his father hands him a tissue once he sees the amount of cheese and tomato sauce all over his son's face.

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