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A/N- Hope I have my English school system right since I'm American. If I'm wrong, please do me a favor & correct me. (For grammatical & spelling errors too)

         31 August, 2015

      "They told me, to make her fall in love, I had to make her laugh. But every time she laughs, I'm the one whom falls in love" - Tommaso Ferraris

    "No, I can't be your partner" Belle joked.
     "You don't look like a student" She stated.
    " And what do I need, to look like a student?" I inquired, eager to hear her response.
     "Well first of all, you have to slouch"
     I arched my back a bit. 

     "Students have messy hair"
     I ruffled up my bangs, letting a few strands fall over my forehead.

     "They're not as well dressed as you"
     I unbuttoned a few of my shirt's buttons and loosened my tie.

      "And you have to be mean to me"
      I stopped, combing my hair out of my eyes to get a better view of her.

      She was serious.
      Dead serious.
      "Why would I be mean to you?"
      "You wanted to be a student, didn't you?"
      I shifted uncomfortably. How the hell do I respond to this? Out of all the school I've attended, this has never come up. It jumped out of the garbage by surprise. C'mon, c'mon Louis. Think. "All the students?"
      "Most of them"
      I looked at her in shock. For 2 reasons: She wasn't offended by my choice of words and "most"
     "What about those who aren't mean to you?" I attempted to chose the correct words but cringed at every word spoken.
     "I don't know those students"
     "Okay", I slowly nodded looking down. I covered her eyes with my palms, leaning on the chair, facing her. My fingers were no farther than a couple of centimeters from her eyes. She didn't flinch.
      " What are you doing? " She whispered.
     " Close your eyes" she obligated. Slowly I got up from the chair, removing my hands from her eyes, and made my way to the door, grabbing a few books of hers to look like a student. "Now open them" I said. Her Hazel eyes fluttered open, scanning the room.
      To find me.
      She frowned as she saw the rest of her classmates huddled to each other, laughing, and enjoying their time.
      All gathered to the left side of the room as the right side was lonesome except for her. Her eyes made their way toward the door, to see me leaning against the door frame, grinning at her. Belle descry until she saw me walking towards her. She beamed. A friend. A friend she saw, soon to be.

       "Uh, hello there. I'm a new student here." She snickered at me for all I did, as I stood next to her. "It seems to me you don't have a partner" her lips were apart in the slightest as she admired my little act. I licked my lips. "And it seems I don't have a partner either. So would you like to be my partner?"
      "I would love to be your partner" love. She said love. "But first I need to know your name"
      "Lewis Tomlinson, but all my friends call me Louis" I shook her hand firmly as I winked
      "Hello Louis. I'm Belle. Belle Carver"

      "I- It's a pleasure to meet you" I pulled the seat closer to her as I sat down in front of her. I couldn't stop grinning.
I rested my chin on my hands. "Did you know 'Belle' means 'Beautiful' in French?"
      "No" she bit her bottom lip and looked down as she blushed. Yes. I was flirting with her. I didn't put much thought to it. It hadn't been so long meeting her, no more than 10 minutes.
      All I knew: She was pretty and I wanted to get to know her better. The sight of her rejoiced me in forms unimaginable.

     "I'm sorry. I don't know what 'Louis' means"
     "It's fine. I do"
     "And what does it mean?"
     "Famous warrior"
     She nodded as if she understood.
Then we just nodded at each other repeatedly and she burst into laughter. I melted, like the wicked witch of the west. Or was it east? I grinned at her sudden action. "What's so funny?"

     "Shouldn't we be working?"
     "Yes, because I still need to finish Year 13 at 18"
     "Lucky for you, I'm not 18 yet"
    I knotted my eyebrows "You're not 18 yet?"
     "Nope. I'm turning 17 soon"
     I dreaded that.
     I'd have to wait another year, if anything ever happened between us. Look at me. Daydreaming about the future when I haven't even met her parents yet.
    "So...?" I asked indirectly for her to explain.
     "Skipped a year" Her eyes darted from me to the classmates snickering and pointing our way. "I thought this year was going to be different" She mumbled, then looked at my worried expression. Don't worry read her expression. An inhale exited her lips, "What are we supposed to be doing?"
      "I-Uh-We-need to uh"

      She chuckled "You're probably the closest to a friend I'll get this year" More than that. She proceeded to bite her tongue. "Sorry. I shouldn't have said that"
       "No. It's fine. I'd love to be your friend"
       "Really?" Her eyes glimmered and she warmly smiled "I haven't had a friend in so long. I feel like I can tell you anything now. Is that what friends do? Tell each other stuff?"
      I nodded.

     "You can tell me anything. I'll be there"
     "I wish I'd have met you earlier" she looked resentful. "Better late than never"
The class bell rang.
     She had a panicked face on.
     "You don't have to do it. Privilege of being my partner"

      "Thank you, thank you, thank you!" I was about to stand up, but stumbled back down when she reached to hug me. I took no hesitation in wrapping my arms around her skinny figure. There's nothing wrong with a teacher and student hugging.
       "Oh, um. Bye. Then" I nervously ran a hand through my hair as I looked down. She just hugged me. And I was her friend.

       Why, things couldn't get any better today. But today did get better.
      I realized, I was falling.
      Falling in love.

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