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"Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me"

22 September, 2015

I went hunting for Axep. "Colette! Colette!" I cried as I made my way through the halls.
Room 13.
Fits the b*tch.

I barged right in her door. Knocking is commonly used in polite situations when the seeker isn't pissed at the one answering, "Colette!" I yelled 3 aisles of seats near her desk. She jumped in her seat. I smirked at the pyrric victory.

" What do you want?" She asked annoyed, not looking up at the intruder (which was me). Her eyes focused on her papers to grade with the cruel red ink.
" For you to stop your bullsh*t Colette" I responded simply.

" Excuse m-"

She cut herself off.

" Continue" I challenged.

"What's there to say? You were the one to intrude my classroom!"

" Possesive much?" I tossed the yellow sheet onto her desk, "What the hell is this?!"

She glanced at the page, playing dumb, "It's a sheet of paper, haven't you been taught? Or were you asking for the color?" Colette bantered.

I scoffed, " Okay, play dumb. What the bloody hell happened to our deal?!"

Colette sighed deeply, "Stephanie pleaded me for the role. She didn't show since her friend, Abigail told her the auditions were a week from now"

"There were posters all over! How c-"

Axep shrugged in surrender, then couldn't meet my eye, but looked down in thought, "Why do you care about her so much?" She questioned.

I knew damn well why.

2 seconds to come up with a Lie. A good one at that.

" Her mom got the role. Like a kind teacher, you figure, 'Hey, this beautiful girl gets bullied in our halls. The least we can do is give her the role she's so eagerly wished for'"

Colette snickered.

"What?" I spat.
"That's why you wanted to give her the role so bad" Axep laughed to herself.
"W-What do you mean?"

"You fancy her. You, Louis Tomlinson, fancy Belle Carver" She snickered.

My cheeks rosed. "What? No. No. I don't fancy Belle"
"Yeah. You do", as Colette breathed out, I sniffed out the alcohol in her breath.

She laughed hysterically, managing to form sounds after pauses, "Yeah?"

"Have you been drinking?"
"What?! Psh. No. I did recently get broken up with though. Who knew sh*t like that happened so young."

"Liar. You have been drinking"

She put a finger to get lips, "Shh. I'll keep your forbidden romance a secret if you stay out of my post- break up"
"You're mad!" Was the best comeback I came up with.

"Whatever Louis, You're obvious. You're so obvious, I bet she even knows"

Chills ran down my spine.
Did she?

29 September, 2015

Over the course of the next week, I knew I had made a b*tchy mistake trusting Rumpelstiltskin. Colette had a credible rep I chose to ignore. I began paying for the consequences.

I decided to break it to Belle before the Role sheet was even up in the halls. Understudy. "I'm not playing second to a girl who makes me self criticize myself in the mirror every morning," Can't you see Belle? You're beautiful to me, "I'm declining"

"You're what? Declining?" was all my lips exasperated, "I tried ev-"

"It's all right. I should know better than to depend on friends, exactly why I learned to have none"

Belle began giving me a cold shoulder.

The warm smiles I always received from her in the mornings were no longer in existence.

Belle began rolling her eyes.
She even began avoiding any contact.
Can't you see? Can't you see what a fool I am for you Belle?

Maybe she did.
I was her teacher.

But Belle hadn't ever been a rule breaker.

My grins would falter with every remark from her.
Who I looked forward to make laugh everyday had become the person I began to dread.

You know what the worst part of it all was?

I still loved her. And I cursed myself every single night for it.

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