Hearts and Cards

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She walked with her head high as she walked through New Orleans Louisiana's streets. Trying to look confident but she felt naked here in a place she had never been and she was alone. Scolding herself, She was 18 years old, she was fine but she could not help pull her light jacket closer.

Glancing ahead she saw a couple of rough looking thug-like men walking toward her. Panicking she ducked into the closest building with an open door. Dim soft light greeted her and that's when she realized she was in a bar. Being to young she ducked down to avoid being noticed.

Even through she was 18 she looked pretty young, young enough to belong in Middle School. Looking around she soon forgot those guys on the streets. Discretely she hid in a corner keeping a eye on the door to see if those men had walked past.

Glancing she saw Card Tables scattered everywhere, soft jazz drifted from the band. This place is awesome, She thought. She should have snuck into this place days ago ! Note to self don't tell Mom and Dad through, She hastily added to herself. They might go ballistic.

In the corner of the room cards danced in the air in streams but always landed perfectly together  as they landed in their owner's waiting hand. 

She had no idea how he was doing it but she continued to watch as it hypnotized her. Stopping the amazing trick he raised a finger at her and gestured for her to come. How did he notice her she had no idea since his back was turned to her the whole time.

Feeling shy she desperately wished she could be invisible but she was not a Mutant so that was a bust. Now he looked at her, black and red eyed which just drew her in like a moth to a flame. Pointing a figure at herself with a questioning look she earned herself a smirk and he beckoned her with his finger.

As much as she remembered what she was told, Don't talk to strangers she was feeling like an idiot just standing there so she walked to him . "Why not take d'er Chere ?" The man's distinctive Cajun accent greeted her smoothly. Still not sitting she looked at the Cajun in question,"To whom am I speaking to ?" Her own distinctive accent revealed itself.

The man smiled as he finally took off his hat that hid his eyes. "My names Remy LeBeau, Chere." At this she sat down and gave her name, only her first which broke the rule:Don't tell strangers you're name. "I'm Amy," She said as Remy started dealing cards.

Feeling he might be trying to hustle her into a game or at least it felt like it from the one book she had to read at school she pointed out,"I don't have money."  Grinning he replied,"Remy got enough money, Just wanna talk Chere. You seem lonely," Once again she felt like she might melt at the 'Chere' She knew it meant 'Darling' in the basic French she had read.

She had a habit of learning languages from her elders but unfortunately even through her family had a lot of French blood they stopped speaking French at least a 100 years ago, roughly the time of her Great Grandmother was born.

Being impure she had some of her Native American's traits, her eyes and nose looked the most Cherokee but her hair was now a blackish brown even through she had been born with pale blonde hair, thanks to her Grandpa Steve's genes.

Remy's grin spoke of the cat who ate the canary and got away with the cream. Replying,"And you seem a might bit cocky Monsieur LeBeau." His grin just got bigger,"Je Suis ce que je suis Chere." (I am what I am Dear (Darling)

He leaned back in his chair looking impressed,"You speak French Chere ?" Shrugging she replied,"A little, no one in my family speaks in anymore so I had to learn on my own."

We sat together playing cards talking back and forth to each other for hours. Remy was great at holding a conversation, Smooth as silk. He seemed at ease and belonged to it. For her she forgot about being shy and relaxed the whole time, Remy seemed to have that affect on her with his confidence.

Unfortunately the fun had to end when the Waitress brought up 'Were closing, you don't have to go home but you can't stay here.' Surprised she looked at the clock to see it was 3 Am instead of 9 Pm. "Time really flies," She muttered in surprise while Remy merely glanced at the clock as he replied,"Time alway's flies here Chere."

"Thank you verray much Remy," She said with her German accent going strong. During their conversations her accent had been getting stronger as she lost track of her English Class lessons. Smiling she got up, ready to leave only stop at at this question,"Where are you going Chere ?"

Glancing back she gave Remy a smile before replying,"To sleep Remy. Bye." He gave her a look that said 'of course' Before shrugging on his leather duster coat and then hat. Walking outside she saw Remy beside her as he offered the crook of his arm.

"What are you doing ?" She asked, she knew the arm gesture, after all she and her giant younger cousin had to do that for their Grandpa's second wedding. While the wedding was all right the best part was when the Grandkids got a Limo ! all to themselves ! And boy did they enjoy that.

"What does it look like ? I'm walkin you home or to your hotel whichever comes first," Remy smirked as he gestured his arm.  Thinking back of the characters that forced her into the bar she accepted Remy's arm. She felt safer with Remy then walking alone. Maybe because he was at ease and the fact less likely 'Rough Characters' would bother her with tall and strong Remy next to her.

The streets seemed safer and they really did not talk but it was relaxing. Glancing at her companion she studied him. Remy was tall but not like her cousin who she once dwarfed when they were little. She smiled as she thought of her goofy sandy haired cousin.

As for muscle Remy was, just not one of those meat heads or even as muscular as her lovable cousin who is not a Meat head, he just ate a lot. His amburn hair was long, it looked silky soft to the touch. Remy was a handsome son of a gun alright, She thought as she was caught glancing.

"Like what you see Chere ?" That smirk reared it's head back but it was not ugly. Muttering,"Ungluck." (Bad Luck) Remy did not know a bit of German or Pennsylvanian Dutch so she was safe. She replied,"Somewhat." 

Whipping his head he judged her expression and smiled back impressed. "Nicely played Chere," He praised. Noticing they were pretty close to her Hotel did she slip her arm from his with ease. For some reason she was really good at getting out of things.

Example 1 : A classmate would try to grab her (Nothing perverted) but she'd slip out of his grip. Even once all he got was her Lab Jacket which he threw it across the Shop. All she got that day were pink markings. Skyler had a grip, She had to admit that.

"That's far enough Remy," She said. She was not showing a stranger were she was staying. A little sad Remy replied,"D'at okay Chere. You don't want Remy knowing were your staying." Feeling guilty she replied,"I'm that transparent ? Sorry Remy."

"D'at okay Chere. Remy hope to see you again," Remy said with a smile as tipped his hat before walking away. A second past and Remy was no where to be seen. Smiling to herself she softly said,"I hope so as well." With that she turned to go back to her waiting bed.


i hope everyone likes this. I've  tried to do a X-Men fanfic but I never had the confidence to publish them. I've never done a Cajun accent, and i did not grow up around french, just three i know.

if u know some french comment. also i can't comment so i will probably reply on ur profile just warning 

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