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Remy pov

His mind wandered as he told the suit in the Wheelchair how we came to be here. This place seemed secure enough to be safe. Secure enough for someone of my talents to have a hard time breaking in. As for the people the bleu (Blue) furred homme (Man) seemed friendly enough.

The man Xavier, I don't know seemed familiar. At the same time he felt trust worthy and practically radiated concern for others. All in all the place seemed safe and comfortable enough. His only concern was Amy, being human I did not know what dey would say about her.

He had told her that they were human friendly but he said that to put her at ease. "Mr. LeBeau your mind is wandering," Xavier said with a smile interrupting his train of thought. "Don't worry so much Gambit. No one would dream of harming Miss Hails." Instantly he felt on edge something was not right.

"Wait a minute Homme. (Man) I don't recall telling you my name's LeBeau or that Amy was human." Your not the only one with talents Mr. LeBeau, His voice said in his head. Eyes widening he jumped from the couch.

"You listen and you listen good ! Stay out of o'l Gambit's mind if you know what's good for you," He growled. Lifting his hands up Xavier said,"I apologize. Normally I don't traditionally use my powers unless I need to."

He smiled amused,"It seem's your friend is more tired then we thought," Xavier said, his eyes watching the girl. Glancing he saw Amy curled up on the couch in deep sleep. She must have fallen asleep from the beginning, He thought.

Amy pov

"Wake up Chere," She heard faintly. Sleepily she opened her eyes to see Remy. "Come on Chere," His smooth drawl made her blink sleepily. Giving a yawn she sat up to see Remy and Xavier watching her. Sleepily she rubbed her face in a motion that she was told was very cat-like.

"I'm sorry," She said to the amused two as they watched her. When she first sat down immediately she fell asleep. "It's all right Miss Hails. Hank will show you two your rooms," Xavier said motioning to the blue furred gentleman. Still feeling sleepy she followed Remy who followed 'Hank'.

The hallway was full of doors making her think of a dorm. Once it was just a mansion but I guess it's now being used a a school, She thought sleepily. "This should be a good room for you Gambit," Hank said opening a door that led to a unused room.

Remy stayed at the entrance as he watched Hank show her to her own room. Sleepily she entered the very spacious room with it's own bathroom. Remy was being paranoid but she understood him.

Closing the door she headed straight for a shower. She felt so clean now. Shutting off the hot water she moved to grab some spare clothes before heading for her bed. Making good use of her bed she curled up, barely seen with the fluffy cloud-like comforter and pillows.

She slipped into her dreams. Soft lush grass happily greeted her bare feet. Sitting down she made herself comfortable on someone. "Strawberry Chere," A familiar cajun voice said offering a bright red strawberry. Instinctively she ate from the hand as a arm wrapped itself around her.

Knocking woke her up. Opening her eyes she got up to see it was McCoy. "Good morning Miss Hails," He greeted. Smiling she replied,"Good morning. You can call me Amy."

"Then you can call me Hank," He replied leading her to Breakfast, She had changed before answering the door. Feeling starved she followed Hank eagerly all most bouncing from the balls at her feet.

As they went down to the Kitchen and dinning room area she saw several people. The only ones she recognized were Xavier and Remy. Feeling shy and overwhelmed she walked as fast as she could to were Remy sat.

The red headed girl was Jean, the boy in shades was Scott and the dark skinned girl with natural white hair was Ororo. "Morning Remy," She greeted getting a curt nod which confused her. "Fine. You ?" Remembering her dream she felt a blush making her look away until her cheeks cooled. "Verray well. Thank you," She said with her accent showing more of it's self.

Sneaking a peek she saw Remy looking tense. Normally he was cheerful. Maybe she should ask him later ? Thinking back about her dream her blush got redder compared to her pale skin.

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