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Things had settled down, She helped Hank who was also called Beast in his Lab/Med Bay. Ororo who was a little distrustful at first warmed up to her when learning about her Green Thumb. The two of them would care for the plants.

What bothered her through was Remy did not talk to her much and was being distant. They did not have a proper conversation since arriving here. "I would not worry. Remy is a mutant and in such is more suspicious and slow to trust," Hank pointed out.

"That makes sense," She replied. "Ah I think I forgot some of my research papers in the Library, Could you get them please ?" Hank asked as he noticed something missing. "Sure," She chirped as she left the room.


"Homme is Chere here ?" A Cajun accented voice asked. Looking up from his papers he saw that it was the source of their earlier talk. "I sent her to the Library," He helpfully replied. "Tanks."


She had found Hank's notes but noticed a interesting book on plants uses. Climbing up to the highest shelf on the ladder she reached for the book. Her hands stretched to their full capacity when she leaned to far. "Ahh !" She yelled as she fell.

"Got you !" A new voice said as a pair of arms caught her. Looking up she saw it was Scott. Scott's eyes created powerful beams of light so he had to wear these shades unless he was using the Danger Room. "Thanks," She said.

Glancing behind she saw Remy watching them, Stiff as a rod. "Remy," She began but was caught off. "Sorry to be interrupting, O'l Remy's leaving." Before she could say anything he left. "Sorry Amy, It looks like I got you in trouble," Scott apologized.

Grabbing Hank's notes she left the book that caused her trouble. "It's okay," She replied as she took off to follow Remy. "Remy stop !" She called. Seeing him stop she slammed to a stop before she hurtled into him. Whirling around Remy had a distant look which she was beginning to hate.

She hated that look a lot. It hurt to see that look. Her heart felt like it was being squeezed. "What is it Remy ? Your hurt," She asked concerned. Laughing bitterly Remy replied,"You worried about O'l Remy. That's sweet Chere."

Stung she backed away in her shock, Remy had never spoken to her like that. Glaring at him she demanded,"What's with you Remy ? What did I do to make you so mad at me ?" His eyes softened for a moment.

"Never mind Chere. Go back to your big furry bo' and forget this," With that Remy whirled around and left her.

"He's gotten it in his head we are a couple," Hank said after she explained what happened. "But were not. Were friends," She pointed out. "Well you've been helping me. I'm one of the few men that you spend time with. Most likely he see's that we've become a couple," Hank pointed out.

"And I think of you as a little sister. Nothing romantic in any way," Hank replied. Smiling she replied,"I'm the same. You are like the older brother I never had."

"I can try to straighten this out." Frowning she replied,"Yeah I don't think that's a good thing. Let's not." She could feel a really bad foreboding.

Mutants in New Orleans (#1)Where stories live. Discover now