Swan Princess Part 2

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Knock,Knock. Opening the door she saw Remy LeBeau dressed in black satin looking very handsome. Wearing a black mask it covered half his face along with that hat of his. He looked at her for a moment, with a crooked smile,"Wow Chere, you look beautiful. Remy's going to have to be fighting for your attention."

Blushing at the compliment she replied,"You look veray handsome Mr. LeBeau." He chuckled deeply,"Chere your going to make Remy blush then he won't look so handsome." Leaning down to her she leaned forward as his eyed drew her closer. Soft lips touched her's and her brain stopped working.

After the kiss she blushed while Remy had a slightly shocked look on his face but it soon disappeared as he offered his arm. Accepting it they only left her room when a phone rang. Answering it Remy's relaxed face turned cold and he stopped dead in his tracks.

"Dank's," He curtly finished the short conversation. "What's wrong ?" She asked feeling worried as she looked at her escort who looked at her with cold, distant eyes. "Chere I gotta go. This was a mistake." With that he left her. Feeling shocked she took a few steps back in her room.

A mistake ? What the hell was that all about !? She demanded in her head. She got dressed up and suddenly be becomes distant to her. What was he messing with her this whole time ? "Yeah mess with some random girl, get a kiss and then leave her. What a sick game," She complained.

Tears slowly trickled down her face as their was more knocking. Getting up she numbly opened it to see Remy. He was sweating and out of breath. Without thinking she slapped him as hard as she could. Hand on his red cheek,"Now Remy probably deserved dat Chere."

"Damn right you do ! Why did you suddenly take off and leave me !" She demanded ready to smack the tall Cajun again. "Just look outside your window Chere," Remy said. Glancing she saw a giant brute and some Asian man wanna be 007 Black Suit. "I see a giant meat head in a long coat and a suit stiff," She reported.

"They here to take Remy away."

"What did you beat them at Poker ?" She asked feeling terrified. "No ! Remy done nothin Chere !" Remy sounded worried too. Going stiff the door was kicked down violently. The Asian man she had seen appeared with guns drawn. The one behind him moved faster than she had ever seen.

Feline-like cat claws were at her throat in seconds. And when she said claws they were actual claws ! Thick, long and pointed just like a feline's ! And everyone said I had claws ! She thought. Scratching at the hand she desperately tried to free herself.

Remy had the 007 wannabe. In his hands was his Poker Cards. The stiff stared at Remy like the cards were a threat. "Drop it Gambit. Or I'll have to hurt this little girl," A cold voice promised. Not liking the threat she used a not so taken seriously weapon, Her heels !

Slamming them as hard as she could she and her jugular became free. Remy threw a card creating a explosion as he then grabbed her hand.

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