Another Storm

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She knocked on the door to let Hank know she was there. "Hello Hank. How are you ?" She asked, after all it had only been a few days after Hank's and Remy's fight, or blood bath if that's what you want to call it. Using one of his large clawed feet to grab a nearby book Hank cheerfully replied,"Hello Amy. Never felt better."

"Hank I wanted to say thanks about Remy. I don't know why but everythings gotten calm and smooth," She thanked. "Remy LeBeau had to confront his attutide and very badly. The simplest way was to let him let it all out." At this they laughed. Someone like Hank made it sound like a scientific Social Experiment.

Well it worked, she thought to herself. "Well next time let's not do it all at once whenever Remy gets a tantrum," At this they laughed again. Gently knocking interrupted their laugh. Turning she saw Remy watching her. "Hello Remy," she greeted.

"Hey Chere," Remy greeted as he glanced at Hank. "Hank," he greeted in his prideful way. That was the closest thing Hank was going to get as an opology. Not minding Hank smiled and said cheerfully,"Good to see you Remy." Hank was so good natured that if everyone was like him humanity would not only be very intelligent but there would be no more wars, she thought.

"Hank would ya mind if I stole Chere for a bit ?" Remy asked. "Not at all, we were finishing," Hank replied. Hearing this Remy took my hand from behind and led her out of the room to the garage were a shiny red motorcycle stood.

"Isn't that Scott's," she asked only to get a 'what's your point' look. Scott waxed his vihecles to the point that they belonged in a show collection. Getting one she asked as she wrapped her arms around Remy. "Remy what's this all about ?" She asked the Cajun.

"You forget what a surprise is Chere ?" Before she could reply Remy reved the engine and the motorcycle took off making her hold on tight and bury her face in his shoulder. The ride was thrilling as Remy drove on old forgotten roads.

Quickly stopping she let out a surprised squeal earning a laugh from the amused cajun. Looking around she saw they were in a old forgotten apple orchard. Sitting down on an old blanket they ate sandwiches and apple tarts with apple butter.

With the trees producing flowers all aroud them she said,"This is nice." Setteling next to Remy she felt him get up. "Well Chere o'l Remy still owes ya a dance," he said as he offered a hand.

Remy pulled her softly to him until her head rested on his shoulder as they slowly waltzed. He hummed loud enough for her to hear, it was a gentle tune. Taking a deep breath of Remy's spicy scent she felt the sun's warm rays on her back.

Opening her eyes she stiffened when she saw that they were being watched. Feeling her stiffened form Remy let her go with a defensive posture. "Hello Miss," the creep from before purred. He leaned against a tree playing with his claws.

She heard the click of a gun. The suite from before no doubt. Remy moved her behind him he brought out a metal cylinder that turned into a Bo Staff and a fan of cards. "You two walk away before ya get hurt," Remy growled.

"No Gambit, we've been looking all over for you," the suite said as he drew out another gun.

Still behind Remy she let out a terrified scream when she was grabbed from behind. Long claws at her throat immediately identified the creep. Everything went black. Darkness swallowed her whole.

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