The X-Mansion

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"So why did those two call you 'Gambit' ?" She asked. So far Remy made sure they were very far away from New Orleans. He got her spare clothes to wear, after all their clothes were meant for a big party. Also were phone exploded thanks to Remy, this made sure those creeps had a hard time tracking them.

"Before I escaped from dat Hell Hole I played cards with the guards. Every time dey played me they lost. Gambit just stuck," Remy replied still watching the road.  After that he told her his story, the Thief Guild were his father was the King. He was nick-named Le Blanc Diable. (The White Devil)

Time for Question # 2, She thought.

"Where are we going ?" She asked with her butt feeling sore from the constant travel. "Westchester, New York. It's a Hideaway House for Mutants," Remy said.


He looked over at the sleeping girl. She didn't hate mutants. He had felt like a weight had been lifted off him, he was happy. He never cared if other's hated Mutants so why this Petite Chere ? (Little Darling)

Glancing at the sleeping girl he thought back to when he first saw her. Her standing in a corner,looking all shy. She was a tourist who took a wrong turn but somehow she fascinated him. Funny, quick witted, pretty to beautiful.

It was strange for him to take a fascination in a human. But this Chere was different and he liked that.


She felt claws on her throat again. "You're not getting away this time," That horrible voice snarled. She felt so cold and scared, her whole body hurt everywhere. Someone help me, She thought.

"Chere, wake up," A familiar velvet-like voice saved her. Opening her eyes she saw a gold plaque that said Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters. The gates opened allowing Remy's expensive dark car to drive in. Looking around she saw that the school was a mansion.

"Whoa," She muttered looking out the black tinted window. It was beautiful, Instead of a school it looked like it was built for the wealthy. Remy let out a whistle as he took a better look. Parking the car Remy took the lead with her next to him.

"I could feel right at home here Chere," Remy said sensing her shyness. Against her better judgement she let out a scared squeak before hiding behind Remy's leather trench coat. While the man was dressed in tailored long sleeve shirt with tie and slacks.

His physical appearance brought out her fear. Tall, broad shoulders and bight blue fur covered him. Heavy powerful arms and small pointed fangs peeking at his under lip. He resembled a blue ape, with good taste in clothing.

Either he did not notice her panic or was used to it. Extending a arm Remy shook it with fearless eyes. "Pleased to meet you. I'm Dr. Hank McCoy," His gentle voice said. Polished and robust she grew more comfortable as she shyly greeted him. "Hello." She shook his hand as well.

"How do you do ?" Dr. McCoy asked soundly pleased that she wasn't scared anymore. "Very well thank you," She replied as the Dr, smiled and gestured to them to come in. "Please, you should meet the Headmaster."

The Headmaster wore a suit, he was bald, had kind blue eyes and a gentle smile. As he moved away from his desk did she see he was paralyzed. His wheelchair was electronic. "Hello Gambit, Miss Hails," His gentle soft English accent matched his eyes making her feel more at ease.

How did he know their names she was not sure but Remy decided this was a safe place. "Mr. Xavier, I'm presuming," Remy sounded cautiously. "Yes Mr. LeBeau. There's no need to be tense. Both are you are safe."

Gesturing to a comfortable coach,"Please sit down." Grinning she quickly sat down. Remy sat next to her but his body was broad and tensed.

"If you will please start from the beginning."

Mutants in New Orleans (#1)Where stories live. Discover now