Misunderstandings can Lead to Bloodbaths

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Her stomach felt queasy for a few days. With her stress about Remy and the bad feeling she got well it was a wonder why she felt so sick. Storm/Ororo helped her forget her stress with the help of the Greenhouse.

Storm at first seemed unsure about her but the two of them became friends. Kind, gentle and with a listening ear. Besides being able to fly and control the weather Storm had to be of the most gentlest person here along with the Professor.

Once all the plants were finished did they head back to only have a few student rush past them. "Hey whats wrong ?" She asked. One of the students stopped. "No time to explain," He explained as he grabbed their arms and rushed off.

A mob of student were together. They were packed in tight. They were, She learned after trying to force her way through. Her efforts did not even make a dent as she was shoved back. Stumbling back she commented,"There's no way we can get in."

With a smile Storm commented,"Leave that to me." A powerful wind snapped as Storm's eyes turned cloudy white and the students parted to reveal Hank and Remy. On the mat she saw pools of blood.Forgetting to comment were wonder on her friend's amazing gift she rushed to the two.

Both were battered. While Hank was built like a tank Remy was not the victim. Strong and fast Remy could dodge Hank's blows. Speaking of Hank he looked more like his other name, Beast. Shirt untucked, teeth barred and with a savage snarl he punched a blow that could take Remy's head off.

Nimbly with tact Remy avoided the blow. With his Kinetic powers Remy was not someone you wanted to get in a fight with as he returned a powerful punch to Hank's chest. 

Stunned Beast went down. "That's it !" She yelled as she stepped on the mat were the two males had fought a bloody battle. Rushing at Remy she used her weight to send him tumbling.

"What were you thinking ?!" She demanded as Storm sent the students packing. "What are you thinking Chere ? O'l Remy could of killed you," Remy replied still pinned down. Blinking in surprise she gave him a look that said she had forgot that.

She wasn't built like Hank who could handle the punishment. No if Remy had hit her at full force she would have been in trouble. Shrugging it off she glanced at Hank as he let out a pained groan. "Well you could have killed Hank," She pointed out.

"Come with me," She ordered. While Storm cared for Hank and took over the Med Lab they went to the kitchen. Bringing out a ice bag she placed it on Remy's skin earning herself a hiss. Giving him a innocent smile she carefully treated his wounds.

Remy eventually looked at her shyly but looked away ashamed. "I'm sorry Chere," He apologized. "It's okay," She replied. The tension died down and it became peaceful. Things went back to normal and so did Remy.

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