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It's all about loving someone so deeply. That even though sometimes you feel like it's not right anymore. Even though you have been hurting already a lot but you still love that person. The question is why. Why do we still do it even we've been wounded so deep? That forgetting ourselves is okay, important is the other person that really matters to us.

Many people cannot understand you and only few can. Why? Because they've been into your situation as well. Genuine love as what they call it. Those who can love someone deeply are only for those people who are so brave to show what real love is. Giving their all even though they can't receive something in return. Though receiving something means a lot to them. But they know how to be contented, what matters most to them is that they can make that person they truly love happy.

Loving someone is not all about happiness. There is a pain as well. You cannot truly say that you have love someone so deeply if you've never hurt in the process. Why we need to undergo pain? To fully understand real love is. If you've been hurt even though you love genuinely don't ever give up in showing your genuine love. But of course you also need to know when to fight and when to give up. You can still love someone afar. You will quit being with that person you truly love when you were abused emotionally, physically, mentally and spiritually. Love just the way how God loves us. We don't see him personally but yet we truly feel it.

Just because you've been hurt before you will stop loving someone genuinely. It's alright to be hurt and not to be loved back the way we love them. Don't changed your love until you found someone that will truly love you back deeply as you are. Just give your love fully even if it can't be reciprocated the way we want it. Important is that we showed them what real love is. It is not our lost but theirs. At least in your relationship with that person if it doesn't end well you will feel no regret in the end because you have shown and give everything. Now it's the problem of the other person if they let you lose. Because they can't experience again the same love that you have given and shown to them.

Love is a very wonderful feeling in this world. And yet it was misused and abused that's why lot of people are afraid to feel it and experienced it. You as an individual who can read this please spread genuine love. Because together we can heal the world with the genuine love that we have.

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