A love letter to anyone who feels unloved...

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Words by Tahlia Hunter

When you weren't loved properlyThe world can feel like a cruel, harsh and lonely placeThat is cold and unwelcoming

When you weren't loved properly Relationships can seem daunting and difficult to navigate

When you weren't loved properlyIt can seem like a piece of you is missingCausing you to constantly be searching for it in other people and relationships

Because When you weren't loved properly You weren't taught how to give and receive loveOr how to love yourself

And you learntThat love was something another person could give to you Rather than something you were the source of And capable of cultivating within at any point in time

And when you weren't loved properly You weren't taught to appreciate, respect and value yourselfAnd so you learnt to seek validation externally.

You felt that you needed to earn love Through proving yourself to othersAchieving external successAnd searching for your self-worth in their approval of you Rather than validating yourself.

But these are lessonsThat you are capable of unlearning at any point in time Through recognising that you are the one who holds the power To shape and influence how loveable you feel

And in time, you will come to appreciate That the truth about love Is that it doesn't discriminate

It has a way of findingAll who seek it

And it has a wayOf making its way To everyone who desires it.

Sometimes love is the warm embrace of a pet The smile of a stranger The kindness of a coworker Or the company of a good friend

And sometimes love is A warm cup of tea in your own presence Taking yourself out on a dateAnd spending time in peaceful solitude, enjoying your own company

And so, I hope you learn to shower yourself with the love you wish you'd receivedSpeak to yourself the words you wish you'd heardAnd refuse to allow those that didn't know how to love you To cause you to believe that you are unlovable

Refuse to allow those that were incapable of caring for you or showing up to youTo cause you to believe that you don't deserve to be cared for

And instead, choose to forgive them, release them and let them go Promising yourself that you will become the parent, lover and friend that you didn't have To both others and yourself

And know that you are worthy of the love Others failed to give you

And that more than anything You are deserving of your own love.

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