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             by Larry James Arenga

They say that our eyes are the windows to our soul. What our words cannot express and our actions cannot show, the eyes will have to do the talking (or seeing, I don't know.)

But the point is that for every thought and feeling, or most of them, we have our eyes to thank for.
      But aside from those features, our eyes have one thing that makes us different from most species in the animal kingdom: crying. Yes, the one thing that most of us are guilty of is a God-given talent.
      Science tells us that crying is one of the many ways of flushing toxins out of our bodies, but don't you realize one thing? By crying our feelings out, we make our physical and emotional selves feel better. I'm not saying you have to bawl your eyes out on every occasion unless you want to be an actress or something, but you get my point.
      I understand why some of you are not the overly emotional type of person. Maybe you consider it as a sign of weakness or a thing to get someone's attention. Listen, I knew all of them too well. I admit that I am sensitive most of the time but I can't help it. I learned (and still learning) the hard way that bottling your emotions for too long, may it be positive or negative, is detrimental.
      It is not okay to be caged by extreme sadness. It is not okay to be caged by anything at all. I can't even explain how awful it is to wake up in the morning wondering why you're born in the wrong place at the wrong time at the wrong century; you feel so out of place that you want to escape the world through trying to take your life---but let us not talk about that. This is about you, dear reader.

      If you're happy, then nothing could make me happier than you shouting for joy. If you're angry, then I suggest writing something just like this and burn it to ashes. If you're sad, I have two shoulders to cry on, I have more than enough handkerchiefs to wipe your tears away, and I have my own eyes and heart to feel and cry with you. If you're feeling generous, I would like to have one 3 pies-to-go because I live for peach mango. And if you're feeling unloved, then let us catch you in an embrace and hope you're feeling right at home.
      At some point, you'll realize that what happens in our past would have to stay that way. There are times when the reality would hit you with a loud whack on your head but you have to endure the impact to get to the next one. The future would look at us and shake its head because of how foolish we look right now, but it is what it is, and I can assure you that the future won't regret what you're doing right now.
      I'm ending this note with a message: it is okay to feel and it's okay to let yourself take over things. No one will ever judge you for it, or maybe someone will. But who cares? Taking care of yourself is very important even if other people disagree with the way you do it.
      We are who we are, and I have yet to meet a person who hasn't ever judged anything or anyone. We just have to thank that things happen the way they do.
      They may be the things that have blinded us in the past, but they are the ones that will guide us in the future.

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