Chapter 4

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That's Crys in the MM! 


Des kept calling my phone and I kept ignoring him. he knew he messed up because he knew how trifling I could be. My phone rang again and it was a different number. I picked it up "Hello," I said in a serious voice.

"Hey what are you doing?" the voice asked.

"Who is this?" I asked.

"Wrong number," they said and hung up. 

I looked at the phone like it was foreign and put it down on the dresser. I continued to watched Scorned on ID and laughed to myself because I just slick pulled some shit like that. Then my phone rang again. I rolled my eyes and the same number appeared. "Hell....O" I said dragging my greeting.

"Hi, is this Crys?" a woman said.

"Yes this is she," I said hoping that they would get right to the point.

"Oh okay. Well splendid. We received your application for  Baptist Memorial and I am glad to inform you that you have the job as the receptionist," she said.

I smiled from ear to ear. It is funny how I bounced back so fast. Fuck George and his little dick. I had some plans.

"Oh wow! Thank you, so when do I start?" I asked.

"You can start in two weeks. We have to put you in the system and set you up and that may take some time . We also wanted to give you time to purchase some scrubs and shoes for the job. I will email you the paper work and you'll be behind the desk in no time." she said. 

I got off the phone with the lady when Trisha barged in the door. "Damn hoe," I said rolling my eyes.

He hair was a mess and obviously she's been sucking Smoke up because the evidence is by her eye. I snickered to myself slut.


Crys ass always has something to say. I would pull her ass off that couch but she's my sister. I know that's not an excuse but it ain't my fault Des cheated on her. Her boring ass.

I peeled my coat off as I looked at my bloody outfit that was once white and crisp. I knew I had to burn this or something because evidence was written all over it. I was out with Smoke all night and lately my feelings have been overwhelming. Smoke is my boyfriend but from time to time he'll fuck off. I did not approve but what girl would? I don't know why I put up with Smokes shit but he was out of control. I turned on the shower in my bathroom and hopped in. The bruises on my body were tender and they were fresh. My back was in a lot of pain and I felt the welts growing. I cried a silent cry in the bathroom and pulled myself together. I dried off and put some lotion on and put on my shorts and a tank top. My bruises were covered and Crys couldn't see them, but if she could I  just know it'll be a blood bath down south. 

My phone rang and I picked it up without looking at the number "Hello," I said with attitude.

"Hey girl," Ebony hollered over the phone. 

Ebony and I go way back like fo' flats on a Cadillac and nothing was ever going to stop us.

"What's the move?" she asked.

"Nothing girl, going to Erin's party tonight I knew yo ass would be there so I didn't even call,"  I said rolling my eyes and grinning.

"Girl I got some tea for you and you know i'm falling in that party. We gon' be live like channel five," Ebony said in her loud and ghetto voice.

"So what's tea?"I asked curious.

"So well you know the little hood rat that move weight for ya'll? I forgot her name." Ebony said.

"Okay well remember it girl," I said walking into the kitchen to fix me a bowl of Cinnamon Toast Crunch.

"Paisley!" Ebony hollered. I looked at my phone like it had two heads.

"White girl Paisley?" I asked confused.

"Yea, well the bitch around here moving weight for Rock too and you know how Rock and Smoke don't get along. To make the long story short. Ya'll better get rid of Paisley's ass before you guys end up behind a jail cell or six feet under girl," Ebony said.

"Thanks girl, Your ass knows everything." I said.

"Well being that I'm over the trap in Whitehaven and how those naked hoes talk." Ebony said laughing.

I'm glad I wasn't talking around Crys. Crys had always been a good ass girl and the trap life wasn't her gist if you know what I mean.

"Okay well thank you and see you tonight. You know all the trappers and rappers gon' be there so be strapped," I warned Ebony.

"Well bitch you know I got you. I'll have your back. I'm not afraid to bust somebody'd head wide open. I'm addicted to brain matter." Ebony said.

"Shut up that unwanted ass comment was unnecessary," I said spitting out my cereal. I hung up and looked over at what Crys was watching. The living room was so far away from the kitchen, but it was in eye view. 


Des kept calling my phone and I finally answered. He was calling my phone so much that my battery was actually dying. "What do you want?' I asked nonchalantly.

"To ask you out to Dinner and I owe you a big apology. I also need to talk some business to you. I heard there's a price on your head and it's worth a lot." Des said sounding serious.

"Time," I said looking down at my nails.

"8" he said and I knew he was grinning.

"Okay, and the  engagement still off so don't think you slick," I said rolling my eyes.

He hung up the phone and I honestly didn't care because Des didn't care. 

At 8 I hopped in my Honda and peeled off. While everybody else bought fresh ass whips I still rolled in my Honda and it was going to stay that way. Everybody's ass has been to jail but me and that's because I know how to lay low.

I had on some all white Levis and a black Camisole and white Levi Jacket to keep the chill of the air away. I had on my all black red bottom suede wedges and I put my natural hair into a big ponytail.I was fine and I didn't have to do much to prove it.

"Well, Well, Well, you're late," Des said with a smirk. He pulled out the chair for me and I sat down gracefully.

"Better be happy I'm here," I said rolling my eyes looking at the menu. I ordered a Margarita. My appetite wasn't at all where it use to be.

"So what's up?" I asked keeping it short and simple.

"First off I apologize," Des said grabbing my hand. I snatched back my hand back and looked at him as if he was about bite it.

"Next!" I yelled.

"I know you're mad and I would be to-" 

"Next topic." I said rolling my eyes.

" Your ass gone be dead because you're with the person who has the bounty out for you," Des said chuckling like he knew something I didn't.

"Fuck you mean Des?" I asked with one eyebrow raised.

"Fuck you think I mean? Trisha's ass got a bounty on your big ass head," Des said with a serious look. "$100,000 dollars to take your fine ass out."

I sat there shell shocked. Not Trisha. Tears fell down my face as I sat back to recollect my thoughts.

"Look baby, don't trust her ass, as a matter of fact you can stay with me and you can sleep in the guest room. You women are so petty so I know you don't want to sleep in the room I fucked Maria in," he smirked.

I heard him but all I can hear was Trisha's name echoing through my head. She not gone kill me. She gotta catch me first.

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