Chapter 4

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"I shall seize all visions in Inazuma to avoid any unpredictability and exceptions towards Eternity."

That was when Ichiro finally lost it.

"Seize the vi- are you serious? No- absolutely not! Those people earned their visions! Visions are their pride and ambitions! You can't just take that away from them!" Ichiro argued. Vision holders were something Ichiro had admired. To earn something as special as a vision from the heavens takes a lot of courage and strength in Ichiro's eyes.

"Seizing the visions are necessary to achieving Eternity, Ichiro. I've explained that to you. It is merely a sacrifice for the greater good. You of all people should know that, especially with whatever you are planning with the Cryo Archon of Snezhnaya don't you think, Naberius?" Ei calmly asked him.

Ichiro glared at her, to infuriated to even realized she had called him by his actual name. "Yes, but not like this. This is basically mental torture. People would be killing theirselves for this. No! Absolutely not! I won't allow you!" Ichiro yelled. Ei's eyes narrowed as she stared at her brother.

To Ei, Ichiro was still young and naive. Ichiro was the complete opposite of her when it came to being an Archon. To her, he was more closely similar to Barbatos, the Anemo Archon.

Like Barbatos, Ichiro had let his land freely explore the unknowns for themselves and only personally checked up on them every once in a while. The difference between them, is that Ichiro's identity isn't exactly a secret within Paraiso. In fact, Ichiro mostly takes a stroll on his land and help out his people personally. Ichiro was very similar to how Barbatos ruled no matter how hard Ichiro had denied it.

To Ei, Ichiro did whatever he wanted without any thoughts on the consequences of his actions.

That was where she was wrong.

Unbeknownst to her, Ichiro knew the consequences and the results of every action and decision he makes and will make but takes the risk anyway.

"Then it is a good thing that you hold no power in Inazuma." Ei told Ichiro with narrowed eyes. As Ichiro's eyes widened in realization, he took a step back.

"She can't be serious right?" the whisper in his head exclaimed in realization as well.

"Ei," Ichiro whispered but he can't seem to think of what he could possibly say next to persuade her not to go through with her plans.

"You should leave soon, Naberius. Once the Sakoku Decree is enacted, no one is an exception to this decree. It is the law after all." Ei told him.

"Ei," Ichiro pleaded.

"Goodbye, brother dearest." And with that, the Plane of Euthymia shattered into pieces and dissolved back into the room Ichiro was previously in except this time, he was all alone.

After that whole fiasco with Ei, Ichiro had decided to visit Miko and the Narukami Shrine one last time before he sets off back to Paraiso to check on the damages inflicted on Khaenri'ah and the possible damage brought into Paraiso as collateral damage.

When Ichiro arrived in the Narukami Shrine, it seemed to be empty.

"D'you think she went out?" the whisper in his head asked as Ichiro stared at the Sacred Sakura Tree.

"Probably." Ichiro muttered.

"D'you think she's gonna come back before we leave?" the whisper asked.

"Probably not." He muttered back as the whisper sighed.

As Ichiro turned around to head out he saw Yae Miko just by the foot of the steps with a smirk on her face.

"Leaving so soon?" She asked. Ichiro smiled at her. "Well, when your sister just threatened to isolate Inazuma and trap you in with it, it's hard not to." He replied with a teasing smirk.

"Where are you heading off to? Back to your blue haired lover already?" She asked, making Ichiro scoff.

"No, of course not. And besides, why did you have to say it like I have a flock of lovers waiting for me." Ichiro told her which made Miko raise an eyebrow.

"Let's play a guessing game since you used to like that so much, shall we? I'll go first. It's been 5 years since we've broken up and a year since you last visited Inazuma. I'm going to guess that in that 1 year period, you've had at least more than 50 lovers and a largely more quantity since we've broken up." Miko smirked as Ichiro stayed quiet and playfully glared at her.

"Well she's got you there." the whisper muttered. "Shut up!" Naberius internally hissed.

"I don't really like this game anymore." Ichiro muttered as Miko chuckled. "You're someone who is what mortals would call 'wild and free' until you get tied down to a relationship. It's not that hard to guess." She told him with an amused smile as Ichiro muttered incoherent nonsense under his breath.

Ichiro then sighed. "I really am going to miss you Miko." He muttered as he stared at the Sacred Sakura. Miko quickly noticed his sudden change of demeanor.

"You really are leaving?" She asked as he sighed. "Ei is locking down Inazuma and I have other duties in the other nations I have to fulfill." He explained as Miko nodded in defeat.

Miko hugged Ichiro tightly. "If you do manage to somehow find your way back in here, come visit. It gets lonely here without the sight of you sweeping the shrine every morning." She whispered in his ear, making him smile sadly and sigh as he broke their hug.

"I will." He promised as he kissed her cheek and separated from her.

"Besides, I have to check on Paraiso and see how much damage they did to my land. Celestia knows how the Archons don't seem to know the meaning of damage control." Ichiro teased as he chuckled and quickly turned around and started to walk away, not noticing the horrified look on Yae Miko's face as he mentioned Paraiso.

"Naberius!" She exclaimed.

"Hm?" He turned around, oblivious to the reason why she called him out but as he saw her horrified face, his expression went from confusion to horrified and afraid in a matter of seconds as he managed to piece together the unspoken information she had just given him by just the look of her face.

"No one one told you?"

~ ~ ~ {¤} ~ ~ ~

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