Chapter 5

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"No one told you?" Miko whispered but Ichiro could hear it clearly.

Ichiro immediately sprinted out of the Narukami Shrine and ran to the docks as quick as he can.

Ichiro knew that Ei wouldn't enact the Sakoku Decree until the next day when he was surely out of Inazuma.

"Is she serious?" the whisper nervously asked.

"Of course she's serious. Didn't you see her face?" Ichiro exclaimed as he ran as fast as he could.

To the people passing by him, he must've looked insane, suddenly shouting out random things, but that wasn't really what was on Ichiro's mind right now.

"But are you sure that's what she meant? I mean, she could be messing with us." the whisper asked again.

"Only one way to find out." Ichiro muttered as he finally arrived at the docks only to see not a single boat by it.

"What the-" Ichiro muttered in disbelief. He soon sees a Shogunate Soldier strolling around the docks and calls out to him. The soldier looks back at Ichiro, recognizing him as a Snezhnayan Harbinger and a common visitor of Inazuma.

"Ah, Lord Ichiro, can I help you?" The soldier asked. "Yes actually, why aren't there any ships in the docks, there's usually one or two hanging about right?" Ichiro asked.

"Oh, well the Shogun has cut ties with Inazuma's business partners from the outside and has forbidden the sailors of the use of the docks. It was a sudden order but no one is allowed to question the Shogun." The soldier explained. Ichiro nodded and sent the soldier away, leaving him alone by the docks.

"So she already started her plan." the whisper muttered.

"Yeah, damn it. How are we supposed to get to Paraiso now?" Ichiro sighed as he scratched the back of his head, a habit he subconsciously does when he's frustrated.

"Well, if you'd let us switch control of the body for a while, I could create an ice bridge for us?" the whisper suggested.

"No, I am not switching control right now. Besides, even if we do manage to ice bridge out of here, it won't be long before our stamina runs out and the ice melts, leaving us in the middle of the freaking ocean!" Ichiro shouted, luckily no one was near them or else, Ichiro was going to have a hard time explaining this.

The whisper sighed. "Well, what else arw we supposed to-"

"Just shut up, Forneus! Just for a second. I'm sorry but I'm trying to think. The idea's on the tip of my tongue." Forneus didn't respond back but Ichiro swore he could hear him silently sigh.

A sudden idea popped into Ichiro's mind as he took a deep breathe and hoped that his plan would work.

"Barbatos, I need to get to Paraiso." Ichiro whispered.

There was a myth in Monstadt that said that Barbatos hears every single pleads on his name as the wind carry out their pleads to him. Ichiro had asked him about this once but only got a giggle and a "who knows?" in response.

Granted, at that time, Barbatos was completely drunk out of his mind and drunkenly giggling as his words were slurring so Ichiro didn't expect much of an answer and let's be honest, when isn't he drunk?

"What the hell was that? Why did you do that? You looked stupid." Forneus asked.

Ichiro sighed. "I was calling for Barbatos. Hopefully he can get Dvalin to help us out." Ichiro explained.

"'Called out to Barbatos'? If you want to call someone out, shout!" Forneus explained as he too, was growing frustrated of the situation.

Ichiro groaned. "Just let me do this my way, alright? If it doesn't work, we can do it your way but I swear if we die because of that stupid ice bridge, I'm beating the hell out of you once we finally separate from this body." Ichiro threatened him.

Meanwhile beneath a large tree beside a statue of the seven, a bard was relaxing by the tree, humming a few tunes as he played with his lyre.

"Barbatos, I need to get to Paraiso."

A familiar voice whispered. The bard opened his eyes in recognition as he sighed.

"Ah, so he's heard." The bard muttered as he soon played a tune on his lyre. "Give him a helping hand will you, old friend?" The bard said as a dragon flew above him and flew south east, to Inazuma.

Ichiro was pacing back and forth by the docks as he silently prayed to Celestia that Barbatos heard his plea.

"How long are we going to wait?" Forneus whispered, afraid to anger and frustrate Ichiro further.

Ichiro sighed and as he was about to switch control of the body with Forneus, they saw something flying in the distance, something quite unusual to see for the common folk.

"Dear me, it actually worked." Forneus laughed in astonishment as they watched the dragon silently land by the docks.

"Thank Celestia." Ichiro muttered as he approached Dvalin. "Good day, old friend." Dvalin spoke.

Ichiro nodded. "Good day, though I wouldn't exactly call this day good but never mind that. We need to get to Paraiso quickly." Dvalin nodded but faltered as Ichiro said 'we' but had no companions. Nevertheless, he obliged and took Ichiro to Paraiso

~ ~ ~ {¤} ~ ~ ~

A/N: I just found out on the internet that there's something called "Heart of Naberius" in Genshin...

I searched about it and found that it belonged to a God that was supposedly a former Archon
... So I slightly got that part right?

Since there isn't much information on it, let's all pretend it doesn't exist and ignore it, shall we? Though if you do know any specific information about the Heart of Naberius that wasn't written on the wiki, your information would be greatly appreciated.

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