Chapter 6

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As Dvalin landed on Paraiso, Ichiro felt his heart break as he saw what was left of his nation.

The land no longer bore the once healthy grasses and trees that decorated the land. The land was broken and looked like a wasteland.

Dvalin had flown away unnoticed leaving Ichiro to stare in horror as he saw the piles of blooded bodies scattered through the road.

"What the- what in the world did they do?" Forneus exclaimed in disbelief.

The town that once stood proudly within the mountains was no longer recognizable as all of its walls were now shattered into nothing but dust and debris.

As he looked around more, he had noticed that the mountains had been evaporated into nothing but small hills here and there. All there was left surrounding them were tons of rubble.

'How could this happen? I just visited the other day before the Tsaritsa gave me the mission-' Ichiro's thoughts were cut off as he realized the chain of events.

After a few moments of silence, Forneus whispered to Ichiro.

"I hear footsteps from afar." He whispered.

Because of their situation of two souls in one body, the body they shared was twice as sensitive than the average being. So when the other says that they feel something, you better believe it.

"Where?" Ichiro asked but before Forneus can answer, a horrified scream followed by a heartbroken cry rang out.

Ichiro had immediately sprinted to the direction of the sound. As he grew closer, he climbed a big pile of debris and saw where the cry was coming from.

It was from a mother, grasping her child's corpse as tightly as she could while the other family members kneeled beside her and grieved with her.

Ichiro had recognized the family to be one of his most loyal followers.

The Sanganomiya's

"This... This wasn't supposed to happen... I had just checked up on them the other day before I had left... So why?" Ichiro muttered to himself.

"Blaming ourselves won't help now. On the bright side, we found some survivors, didn't we?" Forneus tried to comfort Ichiro.

Ichiro shook his head. "Face it Forneus. In a battle, there are no bright sides."

As Ichiro was about to slowly approach the family to comfort them, something big had caught his eye.

A field tiller.

It was one of Khaenri'ah's first achievements in the field of machinery. One that they had proudly shown to Ichiro and had gifted him the first few prototypes as a sign of gratitude to him for guiding them despite not being their God.

In a panic and fear of losing more of his people, Ichiro gathered all his electro power as his body moved on its own and appeared in front of the field tiller and behind the remaining survivors.

Having heard the sudden noise, the Sanagonimya clan turned around to see a field tiller with its eye stabbed with a polearm, falling to its knees before finally falling on its back to the ground.

Their attention turned to the familiar figure of a man who retrieved his weapon from the field tiller's eye. A familiar figure who had just saved them from death once again.

"My Lord!" the head of the Sanganomiya clan exclaimed.

"I'm sorry I'm late." Ichiro muttered.

"Lord Naberius! Thank Celestia!" Sanganomiya Osamu, the current head of the Sanganomiya's.

"Is- is everyone alright? Did anybody else gets hurt?" He asked. Osamu shook his head. "Thanks to you my lord, nobody else was hurt any further."

any further

Ichiro kneeled on one knee and bowed to them, leaving the Sanganomiya's baffled.

"I'm terribly sorry for your loss and I am sorry for not being here to protect you. I had no knowledge that this would happen so please, forgive me for failing as your Archon." Ichiro pleaded.

Osamu sighed sadly as he too, kneeled in front of Ichiro. "My lord, you have nothing to apologize for." He told him, making Ichiro look up in confusion. Even Forneus was baffled by this.

"You have let us grow on our own and had taught us to defend ourselves especially recently because of other important matters you wish to pursue and you are not at fault for that. You are not at fault for not having foreseen this disaster. You have left us Sanganomiya's in charge while you are away, so we too should bear the responsibility you feel." Osamu told him and Ichiro swore he could silently hear Forneus sniffling and quietly sobbing.

"Thank you." Ichiro said as he stood up and helped Osamu stand up as well. Ichiro looked across the Sanganomiya's present and asked Osamu. "Are there any survivors left other than you?"

Osamu's eyes immediately widened at this. "Oh yes! They are currently in the bunker beneath our house. Everyone who managed to make it to the house has been there and haven't left since. We only surfaced just now to see if it was over." He explained as Ichiro nodded.

"Lead me to them."

Inside the underground bunker, several survivors from different families were talking to themselves.

"It has been three days since the tragedy, where is Lord Naberius now?" One of them sighed.

"I'm glad he had left the Sanganomiya's in charge while he was away. I don't think we would've survived if the Sanganomiya's hadn't rescued us." Another one said.

"I just wish Lord Naberius is alright, his trips don't usually last for more than three days. Oh, I wonder how Lord Naberius would feel once he sees the nation he had tried so hard to protect." One of them sighed sadly.

The door to the bunker had suddenly opened which immediately alerted the occupants of the bunker. They soon scattered across the room and hid behind something as the door fully opened.

They peeked at the entrance to see to see the Sanganomiya's with Ichiro trailing right behind them.

"Lord Naberius!" A child exclaimed as she immediately ran out from where she was hiding and hugged his leg. The rest of the survivors had stepped out from their hiding spots as well when they saw Ichiro. Ichiro sighed in relief as he saw at least a few members of each family in his nation alive and well.

"Lord Naberius! Thank Celstia you're okay." One of the elders said as she grabbed one of Ichiro's hands and gripped it tightly.

Ichiro nodded. "Thank Celestia that all of you are well. I am very sorry for your losses." He said as he patted the elder woman's hand before letting it go.

"Lord Naberius! What was all the rumbling that we heard a few days ago?" A young boy asked him.

Ichiro sighed. "I was just informed of what had happened just yesterday. Khaenri'ah is no more." He told them as a few in the room gasped.

"Khaenri'ah had created something so devastating that Celestia thought it best to eliminate them while it was early." Ichiro elaborated.

"What did they create?" One of them asked. "I-it's best not to ask. We should focus on getting all of you out of here. Paraiso's land is no fertile and safe to live in. It is best to relocate for now." Ichiro told them.

"But where would we go?" Osamu asked as Ichiro thought for a moment.

"Inazuma is closing off its borders. It's best to let them have some peace there, don't you think? Ei's plan on the visions won't be enacted for a few hundred years. They'll be protected there." Forneus suggested.

Ichiro nodded as he agreed with Forneus' logic.

"I know a place."

~ ~ ~ {¤} ~ ~ ~

A/N: I apologize if I only upload one chapter per week, I promise I'm about 10 chapters ahead but I'm just a very slow writer.

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