Chapter 7

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"There is a ship by the docks?" Ichiro asked Osamu as they lead the people to the Paraiso's harbor.

Osamu nodded. "Since the harbor is the furthest from Khaenri'ah, some of the ships survived. We were actually going to use the ships to get to Snezhnaya and find you, my lord." Osamu explained.

As they stepped in the ship, Osamu immediately started to order everyone around and with Ichiro not knowing how to sail a boat, he isolated himself in his cabin, writing three letters. More specifically, one of the letters to Miko, informing her of what happened and that he is arriving.

A crow had landed on the window sill as Ichiro folded the letters and tied it to the crow's foot. The crow placed itself on Ichiro's finger.

"Take this to Miko please. She'll know what to do with the other one. While the one with the gold seal goes to Morax." Ichiro told the crow before the crow flew off to deliver the letters to its recipients.

Ichiro had told Osamu to sail for Watatsumi Island, where Miko had graciously waited for them.

As they boarded off the ship, Ichiro approached Miko. "The guards are off duty for about an hour, you better move quickly. It's a miracle that they even let me guard the island and have them go on a break." Miko told him.

Ichiro nodded. "Thank you again, Miko. I owe you." He said making Miko smile. "Well then, the next time you visit, you owe me a dinner date with a home cooked meal." She smirked at him as Ichiro shook his head and laughed.

"Alright, alright. I better get going and help them." Ichiro said before walking away.

Ichiro approached Osamu who was helping the people gather their belongings in one place.

"Osamu," Ichiro called out to him as he approached him. "Yes, my lord?" He asked.

"I'm afraid you'll be entering here alone." Ichiro told him, making his eyes widen. "What?" He exclaimed making the rest turn to them.

Ichiro sighed as he stepped on an elevated land. "Everyone, I'm afraid that this is where we part." Ichiro told them which caused an outburst from everyone but he immediately silenced them as he put his index finger in front of his mouth, indicating them to be silent.

"That deep water behind you is the entrance to Byakuyakoku or more recently known as Enkanomiya. I will be leaving you with Orobashi, the current God of Enkanomiya. He has his own people there who are willing to accept you. The portal there is currently open for our own convenience. All you have to do is jump down the whirlpool, and you'll immediately be transported to Enkanomiya. It might be terrifying, but you'll just have to trust me one last time." Ichiro explained.

"But my lord, won't you come with us?" Osamu asked to which Ichiro shook his head. "I'm afraid not, I can't keep neglecting you a second time but I also can't neglect my other duties, which is why I'm leaving you to Orobashi." Ichiro told them.

{A/N: Also because I have just started the Inazuma quest, so I have no idea on Enkanomiya's lore and the wiki is so confusing.}

"Orobashi will, from now on, be your God. I hope you and your future generations shall worship, support and treat him the same way as you have treated me these wonderful 1500 years." Ichiro told them.

Some of the elders were crying as they were one of the few who had been with Ichiro on the years he was still very active as an Archon. They were there when he was still unable to leave the land even for a little bit.

Ichiro approached Osamu. "I hope you lead the people to the right path and guide them through the following years." Ichiro told him to which Osamu firmly nodded.

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