Height (D.m. x reader)

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Pairing- Draco x Femreader

Summary- Reader is a foot taller than Draco. This fic is about how Draco acts around her, how he feels about her, how the two of them fell in love, etc.| Fluff

A/n- Here we are taking Draco's height as 5^9 and the reader's height as 6 feet. Also, I wrote this fic as I wanted to see what it would be like if the reader was taller than Draco so hopefully you will enjoy this!

Meanings- Y/h/c- your hair color

Words- 1,000ish words


Y/n, the girl Draco despised because of her height. At first, he used his height as a way to intimidate people but he was proven to be a coward when it came to her. She was 1 foot taller than him and he hated that he could do nothing, not even close to making her afraid of him like the others were.

That's when it all started before Draco found her annoying with her snarky remarks but soon he started to admire her courage to stand up to a school bully such as himself. The times when she sat at her desk and concentrated in classes were when he slowly started noticing her, the way her eyes looked at the task at hand, the dedication in her eyes when she was taking notes, the way she frowned when the professor told her to do her work all over again which he had completely ignored before now, the same Draco tries to control his giggles from escaping his mouth.

The first time he fell for her was when she was in the owlery as she was tying her letter to her owl's leg, the wind which was blowing made her Y/h/c hair flow from her back, the sun setting and letting its hues of orange and pink touch her face and the pink blush that crept in her cheeks because of the cold. Draco was finally in love with this tall, brave, compassionate girl.

"Draco, you have to CUT the Fluxweed not SMASH them!" Y/n said in her irritated voice which Draco found cute, he purposefully smashed the Fluxweed just so he could hear y/n's angelic voice "Urghh, fine" he said as he cut the Fluxweed and stole some glances towards Y/n, oh how much had he fallen for her so far?

On the night of Saturday he had decided to confess his undying love for this angel fallen from heaven, he bravely went towards y/n and dropped a piece of parchment on her desk and left, curious y/n opened the parchment to find a note which said to meet him at the astronomy tower at 10 o'clock sharp and not to be late, she giggled and folded and kept the note with her, by now Draco and Y/n had been paired for so many assignments by many professors that they had no choice but to engage themselves in small conversations. Little to Draco's knowledge, she too had fallen for this idiotic boy eventually.

Y/n had come sharp at the astronomy tower as Draco confessed his love to her and she happily accepted him and they had their first kiss. It was as if time had stopped when her lips met his, but this flutter only intensified Y/n's pounding heart against her chest. She could only focus on how soft his lips were, the kiss was gentle and slow, as the pair pulled away they immediately knew they were always made for each other, although the only problem was Draco had to face up while kissing as you see, Y/n was a foot taller than he was.

Soon Draco started giving small pecks on Y/n's lips, he liked how he was the one to face up while kissing and how dominant Y/n was, her being tall also meant that she has the personality of a brave and fierce girl. He loved her, every bit of her.

During cuddle sessions, it's usually Y/n being the big spoon and Draco snuggling himself in the crook of her neck and whispering sweet nothings in her ear as she giggled and wrapped her arms around his chest while he wrapped his on her neck and peppering her neck with sweet and small kisses.

Whenever she had a bad day Draco never failed to make her smile, whether it was making funny jokes or tickling her until she gives in and laughs. When none of these tactics work then, he hugs her tightly even though she is taller than he is, he would even go to the extent of going on his toes to wrap his arms around her waist and kiss her forehead, he would rub her back to make her feel comfortable.

There were many dates which the pair went on but, Draco loved when Y/n planned them herself and the way she gleamed at the sight of Draco who was in awe at the amazing setup which his beautiful girlfriend made for him, he was never used to so much affection which made his heart melt at the thought of all this set up for him. He couldn't believe it.

Holidays were the time when the both of them roamed around Hogwarts like they owned it, they would roam around the courtyard, Astronomy tower, Black Lake, Library, Forbidden Forest, Quidditch pitch literally anywhere. Speaking of the Library, Draco loves reading books and so did Y/n, but some books were out of Draco's reach, or even if it wasn't, Draco loved to ask for help from Y/n to get the books from high bookshelves. She would laugh at his behavior and get the book for him with ease.

He entirely and was utterly in love with his girlfriend and the same could be said about Y/n, she loved Draco with every bone in her body and would continue to love him till the day she dies, he too would 'continue to love her till the stars shine'. He would say this while stargazing and she would just look at the sky and then at him with a small blush creeping in her cheeks.

A/n- My second fic is here! Hope you liked this and do tell me how this fic was and does anything needs to be improved upon or changed, your comments are always welcome! Thank you and hope you have an amazing day!

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