Not Enough Time (D.m. x reader)

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Pairing- Draco x Femreader

Summary- Time rush! Y/n and Draco can find their soulmates but only under a certain time limit! Can they find their soulmates or will they never be able to find them?| Fluff

A/n- This is my first ever collab fic with Thea so a big thank you to Thea who came up and collaborated with me!! I have written Draco's pov and thea has written Y/n's pov. Now, enjoy this beautiful fic written by us!

House- Slytherin

Warning- Cursing

Words- 4,795 words



The glow. The glow of the diary, the way it dazzles and illuminates. It makes your heart skip a beat. Or at least that's what Y/n heard.

Y/n had dreamt of it for a long while, the glow of the diary as it illuminates her and the person who she'd call her soulmate.

She'd heard of the story countless times by her family. She'd heard about how when she reaches fifteen years old, she'd be given a diary and not just any diary— one that glows when you meet your soulmate. The thought left Y/n awestruck, the thought of finding someone who'd be a perfect match— the one just for her, both amazes her and scared her.

Which is why she was sitting nervously in the dungeons, staring at the diary before her. 48 hours, it said. '48 hours' she thought, '2 days until I meet my soulmate...' The thought was nerve-wracking, there were parts of her that were excited, of course, however, the anxiety she got from thinking about it overruled it.

She shouldn't be thinking this, but she couldn't help it. What if her soulmate doesn't like her? She'd had heard of the rumors, the things that happened to someone when they get rejected by their soulmate. The heartbreak it ensues was something that Y/n wished —hoped would never happen to her.

She'd always imagine the scenarios of her meeting her soulmate, the happiness it'd bring to her. Her friends had told her all about when they found their soulmates, Astoria Greengrass especially, even though the story was the most basic thing she's ever heard.

"It was Potions when I first met him, Snape had assigned us as partners and it was such a coincidence that we were both soulmates. How have I never noticed him before!" she'd say, "The glow of the diary, oh, Y/n, I wish you saw it!"

Part of Y/n wished to see it, but part of her would be bummed that her soulmate wasn't as easy to find as Astoria's. Y/n had been searching since she had turned fifteen and now, she was still searching. It wasn't completely rare that it takes a while to find your soulmate, however, her timer was running out and fast. She only has two days left on her timer and to be able to find her soulmate, it would be closer.

"What if I can't find my soulmate..." Y/n whispered out to Astoria who was sitting next to her on the couch. Astoria's eyes soften on her before bringing up her hands to rub Y/n's back, "You'll find them. You've got 2 days, you can search around starting now! And if you can't find your soulmate, don't worry. You'll still have me."

Y/n tried to smile at her before she was able to reply, Astoria's friends called out to her. "I've got to go, I'll see you during lunch?" Astoria asked to which she nodded in reply. 'So much for having you with me,' Y/n thought to herself before averting her gaze onto the table in front of her.

Y/n reached out and grabbed the diary that was set on the table, before standing up and looking at the page one last time. "Might as well start looking for my soulmate now..." Y/n whispered to herself, as she hid the diary in her robes.

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