(Blurb) Cuddles (D.m. x reader)

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Pairing- Draco x Femreader

Summary- After writing, your charms essay for an hour you needed some rest and for that Draco is always ready to help!| Fluff

Warnings- Fluffiness x 100

Words- 741 words

Your dorm was deafeningly quiet, with no one talking or laughing. All you can hear is the quill writing on your parchment and your determination to complete your charms essay. Professor Flitwick is not a professor who will let you go without doing your homework; while his assignments were better than Snape's, they were still time-consuming to complete.

"Why does he have to load us with so much homework!" you wondered as you sat at your desk for more than an hour and were barely halfway through the lengthy essay. You grumbled and went back to looking for information for the essay you were working on.

It was a very busy day for you because you had three advanced classes, one of which was Charms, and your workload was enormous; it was impossible to complete so much work in one day, so the professor gave you assignments over the weekend. It was Friday, and while your dorm mates were off having fun in the common room, you were stuck writing a tonne of assignments and long essays.

When a knock came at your door just as you were about to finish your paragraph, you said "Come in" without taking your focus away from the parchment in front of you and continued to scribble down some charms from the library book you borrowed.

You caught a glimpse of a mop of blonde hair near the door, crossing his arms and rolling his eyes over you. "Darling, you've been writing for an hour now," he remarked, "don't you need a break?" "Draco, I appreciate your concern," you said, "but I have to finish this essay by today so that I can do the project Professor McGonagall gave me tomorrow, and then I can finish the-" "Draco, put me down!" you exclaimed as you felt hands grab your waist from behind and yank you up. You objected, but it was in vain as he lifted you up and gently placed you on a nearby bed."Now, you're going to relax with me for a while," he murmured as he got on the bed alongside you. "You need a break, darling, and I need attention."

You sighed in despair, knowing that no matter what you said, he would not let you to finish your essay in peace, so you rolled over to him and buried your head in his chest, inhaling his scent. Draco smiled and put his arms around your head, hugging you tightly and kissing you on the forehead. Draco then began kissing you softly around your face, neck, collarbones, and anywhere else he could reach, while you shuddered at the unexpected contact of his soft lips on your skin.

Even if your eyes were closed, you could feel him smile and cherish the moment he had with you, so you shifted in the bed and kept him closer to you to hear his heartbeat, the only lullaby you needed to sleep in peace. Your best friend had arrived to your dorm as you both slipped off to a deep sleep, and after seeing both of you sleep in such a cute manner, her heart melted and she slowly made her way out of the room to allow the love birds to sleep.

You rose from your bed and stretched your hands and rubbed your eyes as the sunlight peered through the curtains; as you looked around, you noticed that your boyfriend had already woken up and had left you a note on your desk; you missed the warmth of his hand around your waist and awoke from your bed and made your way towards your desk; the note read,

Y/n, I know how many assignments you have, so I decided to help you by finishing your Transfiguration assignment and finishing the remaining of your Charms essay and I charmed it to appear like your handwriting. I believe you only have your Herbology work left, which I had no idea how to write. If you want to thank me, we can have another snuggling session at my dorm tonight, if you want (please) anyways, I had to go grab breakfast for both of us, so get ready and wait for me in your dorm. Love you, darling.


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