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Pairing- Draco x Femreader

Summary- Draco dealing with his life after Y/n left him.| Pure Angst

A/n- This fic is written for 's 2k writing event! Thank you so very much for allowing me to showcase this fic I have written, I loved writing this and hope you guys also loved this fic as much as I did! This is a songfic for the song Cornerstone by Arctic Monkeys, so if you haven't listened to it, I would recommend that you listen to it and then read this fic.

Meanings- Y/s/n= your sister's name

Warnings- Mentions of death, drinking, blood, basically a dark theme


I thought I saw you in the battleship

But it was only a look alike

She was nothing but a vision trick

Under the warning light

She was close, close enough to be your ghost

But my chances turned to toast

When I asked her if I could call her your name

Darkness engulfed the vicinity, it was one of the darkest nights anyone could have ever seen, no moon could be seen in the sky, only the black sky and an alley where a few dim lights were on. 'The Leaky Cauldron" the board said and it was only one person sitting, with a glass of Fireball whiskey in hand.

He looked dreadful, eyes bloodshot and dark circles underneath them, it looked as if all the happiness was sucked by a dementor from this person, and all he had left was a body, with no soul. His eyes, which were once bright and full of life were now dark and gloomy. He took the last sip of whiskey left in the glass kept it in front of him and stared at it.

There were a few people in the pub, but most of them seemed to mind their own business. His gaze diverted from the glass to a person, someone who seemed familiar, someone whom he knew with all his heart. He lifted his gaze from the glass to a girl, who was drinking red wine from her fancy glass. There was no control over his body, he seemed to be pulled by some magnetic force and his feet started moving towards this girl.

"H-Hello miss," he said and sat down next to her with the empty glass in hand, the girl acknowledged him and nodded. "Can I call you, Y/n?" he blurted out, his mouth wasn't in coordination with his brain and everything just automatically flowed out of his mouth, the girl sighed and shook her head and said "Draco, don't make this any harder. I am Y/s/n not Y/n"

Draco was left disappointed, his hands clasped the glass tightly and his eyes roamed around the pub, everyone in there was happy, some were laughing, and some were talking. "Umm, I'm sorry," Draco said barely above a whisper and immediately left the pub with the glass still in his hand. The waiter called out to him for returning it but he was lost in his world and didn't bother turning back.

"The same hair, the same eyes, the same lips, how could she be so close enough to be her" Draco murmured to himself as he kept walking in the cold alley with no lights, he dug in his jacket to find a photo of her, his darling, and gripped it firmly, it was a picture they had taken when Y/n was in the common room of Hogwarts and was busy finishing her homework that Professor Flitwick had given them. Oh, how beautiful she looked even when she wasn't trying to be, her hair perfectly curled and her eyes concentrated on the paper in front of her. Draco closed his eyes took a deep breath shoved the picture back in his jacket and continued to walk, walking wherever the road was taking him. He knew he was losing his mind, losing his mind over her.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 28 ⏰

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