(Blurb) Colorless Eyes

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Pairing- Mafia!draco x Mafia!reader

Summary- Draco plans to attack the enemy, what could go wrong? | Angst

Warnings- Mentions of blo0d, k1lling, etc, basically a dark theme


"We attack tonight" "Tonight?" "Yes, no questions asked"

Draco, the mafia gang leader was firm with his decision, he looked at his group, which included Lorenzo, Theodore, Mattheo, Blaise Crabbe, and Goyle. The main men of his group looked at Draco with a smirk on each of their faces.

"Goyle and Crabbe, you will go towards the outside section and attack the soldiers" Draco looked at Crabbe and Goyle who nodded, "Theo, you will attack the Caporegime, Blaise you will kill the associates, they must be in the lobby of their base" Blaise and Theo nodded.

"And you Mattheo, you will be attacking the Underboss, he is a very cunning man, and I believe you can handle him the best" to which Mattheo smirked and nodded, "While I will attack the boss" finished Draco while keeping the parchment of the enemy's base's blueprint on the table. "Let the plan come to action"

The group divided and attacked the people they were asked to, while Draco easily slid into the boss's office with his Thompson M14S in hand.

While the boss of the enemy was none other than Y/n, who stood near her window, Draco slowly went towards her without making a noise.

Y/n on the other hand was deep in thought, her hands fiddling with a ring in her hand, a red diamond ring with silver borders around it, it shined with the moon's light, and from the diamond's shiny surface could Y/n see a man in blonde hair standing behind her.

But before she could react a gun was pointed at her temple, the man's chest against her back. The feeling of his warm breath on the back of her neck made goosebumps rise on her skin.

She turned her head into the gun slightly, whispering under her breath, "Go ahead," her eyes flickered to his icy eyes, "shoot me."

In the time it took for him to think of a response she turned, knocking the gun out of his hand, holding a knife to his throat as she backed him into the wall.

The knife on his throat slowly pierced through his skin, blood oozing down his throat, he chuckled, "Is that all you got? I thought you were better than this" he said and grabbed the knife from her hand, while his other hand grabbed her waist, turning her around while the knife was on her throat.

"Prepare to die," Draco said but before he could slide the knife through her throat he saw something shining on her hand, a red diamond ring on her finger, "Y-You still have it?" Draco asked as he loosened the grip of the knife.

"What did you think? I always wore it" Y/n said as tears filled her eyes. "But I thought you-" "I left you for him? No, I didn't, I never did, you never listened to me, and I never got time to explain" Y/n said as she looked at Draco with love.

Draco went towards her, his hands cupping her cheeks which were smeared in blood, lips touching, "I love-"

*bang* the sound of the gun was heard in Draco's ears, and the sound continued to stretch until he could hear nothing, the last thing he saw was Y/n's lifeless body in his arms, "I love you" she whispered before her eyes drained out of color and Draco left in shock.

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