Competitive (D.m. x reader)

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Pairing- Draco x Femreader

Summary- Reader, and Draco have a bet on who would win the upcoming Quidditch match, will it be Draco or the reader?| Fluff

House- Hufflepuff

Quidditch position- Beater

Warnings- Cursing

Words- 2,179 words


Your face was as red as a tomato, sweat trickling down your forehead and dedication in your eyes. You were this close to winning, almost as if any wrong move then you would lose the Hufflepuff vs Slytherin Quidditch match. All the pressure was on you, if you could make this then Hufflepuff would have a chance of winning against Slytherin but if not then there was a huge chance of losing.

How were you so dedicated to this particular match? Well, you were a competitive person, to begin with, any challenge you accepted you would give your 100% no matter who the opponent is, even if your opponent was Draco Malfoy aka your boyfriend.

A few days prior to this you were on the bench in the courtyard reading a book and were so engrossed in the book that you didn't even realize that Draco had sat next to you and was desperate on catching your attention. "Are you going to be busy with that book of yours or are you planning on giving me some attention?" Draco asked after what felt like 30 minutes. "Draco! You nearly scared me to death! What are you doing here?" you asked still shocked to see Draco there, "I wanted to spend some of my precious time with my Girlfriend but looks like she is busy with her book so.." Draco said getting ready to leave when you grabbed his hand to stop him and said, "Okay okay, I am free now.".

Your and Draco's relationship was a very understanding one, both of you knew what the other wanted to say, what the other was thinking about, feeling, and what not? Draco was a very secretive person but the key to his secrets was kept safe and sound with you. It was as if you both unlocked each other, and on the contrary, he was a very competitive person, and to say the least he would let his competitiveness at his lowest when it came to you. You were his biggest soft spot, the same could be said about you but you weren't so easily melted, you were in fact so competitive that you wouldn't even care if it was Draco or not. That's what made you both complete each other, even if you were poles apart and complete opposite, you were attracted to one another. Or as the muggles say "Opposites attract."

The topic of Quidditch came in your conversation you didn't know how but now you were discussing the upcoming match which was Slytherin vs Hufflepuff. You were the Hufflepuff beater and Draco was the Slytherin seeker, even though you both were in different positions you never were too competitive against each other, there were many matches where Hufflepuff won against Slytherin and for instance, Slytherin too won many matches against Hufflepuff but, you both never faced off each other, at least not yet...

"Dray, why haven't we ever faced off each other in Quidditch?" you asked curiously as to what Draco would answer "Well, Y/n that's because you are scared to face me off, I mean I am the BEST Quidditch player anyone has ever seen!" he replied smugly to which you replied shaking your head "No no Draco, that's where you are wrong. We didn't face off because YOU are too much of a pussy to face off with me? I mean I don't blame you, with that bludger of mine I will smack it right at your face!" laughing at the end. Now Draco was completely red and he scoffed and replied "So, care for a bet y/l/n?" to which you now faced your whole body towards him and replied with a smirk on your face "I like bets, what's it gonna be?" "Simple, the upcoming match is Slytherin vs Hufflepuff, we are gonna see who is gonna win, me vs you what do you say?" he asked coming closer to your face and to which you replied with a very smug attitude "Get ready to get crushed, Malfoy" and stood up from your seat. You were now even more determined to win.

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