Limit (D.m. x reader)

206 2 0

Pairing- Draco x Femreader

Requested by- IHaveMyIssues

Summary- Draco, and Y/n have an argument through which he accidentally hurts Y/n, would Y/n ever be able to forgive him? | Angsty, Fluff

House- Slytherin (cuz of you Bee)

A/n- Don't apologize bee! Ngl, I really like the concept, I have altered it a little bit cuz why not? Hope you will like this! It's my first request and by one of my favorite moots, so I am super excited about doing this request! And I love you too <333

Warnings- TW mentions abuse, abusive parents, blood, injury, alcohol, dr*gs.

Words- 2,726 words (I know, I got carried away okay)


"Draco, I said, I WASN'T THERE IN THE SLYTHERIN PARTY! DON'T YOU UNDERSTAND ENGLISH?" Y/n screamed on top of her voice, she was fed up with explaining something to someone who isn't ready to admit that he is wrong, "Y/N! I NEVER RAISED MY VOICE ON YOU, WATCH YOUR TONE!" Draco shouted.

Y/n and Draco were in a relationship that could be sweet like honey but can also be toxic as hell, they were indeed made for each other, but both of them had plenty of arguments such as this one. Draco was too proud of his reputation and fame, Y/n had also a reputation to uphold but, she wasn't like Draco to go and demand things the way she wants them to be. Draco couldn't and wouldn't change himself for things, he would instead change things for him.

There were a million arguments between this couple, I mean which relationship doesn't have any? But this time Draco has gone too far, too far off the limit.

"I just don't get you Draco, why can't I go to the Slytherin party?" Y/n asked her boyfriend who was persistent on not letting her go for the Slytherin's party, he frowned and said "Y/n, you don't get it, this party isn't going to be a normal one." but Y/n just rolled her eyes and said "I can take care of myself!" she said, "Y/n, please understand, I want you to be safe" Draco said to which Y/n huffed and sat on the common room couch.

Pansy, Y/n's best friend had invited her to the Slytherin Common Room Party which was hosted by Theodore. They were hosting this for celebrating the defeat of Gryffindor from Ravenclaw, and everyone was invited (except Gryffindors obviously) and of course, this party was hosted by Theodore Nott, he wouldn't make this party all boring and leave it to alone alcohol, Draco knew about this as he was of course friends with him. He didn't want his girlfriend involved in such a party, not because he didn't want her to just go to a party like that, but because he knew what type of people would be in such parties, and obviously, he would be too intoxicated to take care of Y/n, he only wanted well for her.

Draco then came and sat down next to her and wrapped his arm around her shoulder to which she pushed his hand off and faced the other way. Draco laughed at this and said "Babe, I just want you to be safe, only this time will you listen to me?" to which Y/n swayed her head in a no. Draco rolled his eyes and said "Y/n, we can have a party later on? Only the two of us, what do you say?" to which now, Y/n faced Draco and raised her eyebrow and said "Really?" and Draco nodded. "You better make that party worth it!" she said and Draco replied saying "I will princess, don't you worry"

Y/n, as Draco advised, didn't attend the party, instead, she went to the courtyard and just admired the beautiful nature, then she roamed the castle grounds, went to the great lake and finally when she had killed all of her time she went and slept peacefully in her dorm.

Draco on the other hand was just doing all of his homework in his dorm when his dorm mates came back from the party, "tHe paRtY WaS aMazIng..." Blaise said as he entered the dorm to which Draco sighed and helped his friends who were not in the right state of mind and made them sit on his bed, "Bro, you should have come! Seriously this was by far the BEST party we ever had" Theo said as he drank some water to calm his nerves down. "Well, what was it like?" Draco asked curiously "You have no IDEA! Girls, drugs, and too much alcohol! I had the best time ever!" Blaise exclaimed and Theo added "Dude, there was this girl from Ravenclaw, hot as fuck!" to which Draco rolled his eyes and just sat.

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