So now I'm crazy

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The therapist from the Psyciatric ward came in. She had the officer step out because what I was going to tell her was confidential. When he left, he took my sense of security with him. At this point I'm thinking that i just want to go to my moms. She asked me a bunch of questions. We had to come up with a safety plan for me. Which is just saying what to do when I get suicidal at my moms.

"If you were to go to your moms would you have the urge to hurt yourself?" She asked

"No" I replied plainly. 

She scribbled what seemed like more than nessesary for my one word. 

"Okay Rachel, we're going to call your mom and have her take you home." She told me. 

I nodded. When I heard those words I felt a massive wash of relief. I didn't have to go back to my dad's house. 

        The therapist left and the officer came back in. "Do you want your dad to come in yet?"

"NO!" I replied frantically. He nodded in understanding. I didn't feel safe with my dad. He's going to be furious with me, and that I tried to kill myself. 

        Once again, the male nurse came in. "Your mom's on her way here." he said attempting to be reassuring. But even though I wanted to go to my moms I didn't want to see her face when she saw my wrists. I knew I let her down. I felt a nothing but regret for doing this to her. I didn't want to hurt anyone but myself. 

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