Nobody is my friend

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I was walking towards the rest of the kids at my bus stop. It was taking everything inside me to not fall into pieces.

I just stood in th back with my hood up listening to them talk.

I heard the sound of the diesel school bus speed towards our stop. It came to a screeching halt. I got on the bus and sat with the girl I usually do. (Because everyone else sucks) I checked my hands to make sure blood wasn't running down them, there was a little, but not much. She never payed much attention to me anyway. I sat there as the bus continued to go from stop to stop. When I got to school a few tear drops came down as I went in, but I got over that. I went into the cafeteria to sit with my friends and they could tell I was crying, but before they could say anything someone tapped my shoulder. It was the cafeteria helper.

"Hi Rachel. Mr. Playford wants to see you"

I was scared, why did my principal want to see me?

I went in and saw a cop, what in the hell?

"Have a seat Rachel." Mr. Playford said.

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