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After about three hours the doctor came in. "Hello Rachel." 


"I'm just going to do a few simple tests." 

He shined a flashlight into my eyes, listened to my heart and did something weird to my feet.  Which I really didn't like because I don't like people messing with my feet. 

"Well everything seems good. I'm going to call the woman from Community Mental Health and the mental ward in here to come talk to you."

"Ok." Is what I said but, "Oh great." Is what I thought. 

Another two hours later the lady from the mental health ward in the hospital came in and talked to me. I didn't like that she talked to me in the ER room they put me in because now the whole emergency room knew my story. Even if it was 1:00am, I still didn't like it. When she left it was about 1:45am, I was exhausted. 

We sat there  for about 15 minutes when the lady from C.M.H. came in. 

"Can you walk?" 

I tried to stand up, but I fell back down onto the gurney. 

"I'll take that as a 'no'".  So they helped me back onto the gurney to lay down. "Well, is there a room where we can talk privately?" she asked the nurse. 

The nurse pointed to a room down the hall. 

They wheeled me down the hall so fast I didn't have a chance to read the sign on the door to see where I was. 

It was a big yellow room with huge bright lights in the ceiling, the floor was pure white, not a single speck in sight. There was this HUGE container that you had to put a password into to gain access to it. It had a bunch of medical supplies, anywhere from masks and pillow cases, to syringes and scalpels. 

The nurse gave me another bag of fluids because I was feeling sick. 

"Alright, my name's Elizabeth, I'm from Community Mental Health. First, I'm going to talk to the both of you, then I'm going to talk to just mom." I nodded, while my mom just stood there. "So, Rachel, why are you here today?"

"Because I tried to kill myself." I said blankly.


"I took a bunch of pills."

"What all did you take?" She sounded a little too cheerful and excited. 

"Musinex, Omeprezol, Zoloft, Advil, and Aleve."


She asked my mom and I a few more questions then she took my mom out to talk to her. 

While she went out to talk to my mom I just looked at all the things in the big container. 

There was a big metal and some type of unbreakable plastic. There was all sorts of odd things in there. There was the usual, scalpels, masks, hair covers. But there were some of these weird sponge things that were in the shape of a triangle. And pillows. I know pillows aren't weird, but I thought it was strange that they were locked away. 

When they came back in, my mom looked teary eyed. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 11, 2016 ⏰

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