I have to drink what?

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It was a bout 6:00pm now, I'd been there for an hour already. I was starting to get kind of tired. Then the nurse came in and woke me up. 

"Okay, so, the doctor wants you to drink charcoal. I'll put some cherry flavoring in it so it doesn't taste as bad."

"Ew." was the first thing that came to my mind. I didn't even know you could drink charcoal. At least I wouldn't have to get my stomach pumped. 

He came back about 15 minutes later with a Styrofoam cup with a straw in it. "This is going to taste gross. Not even gonna lie to you. At first it's going to taste like cherries, then you're going to see what it really tastes like." 

"I'm gonna have to." I thought to myself. I started chugging the stuff. He was right, it did taste like nasty cherries. 

When I was about halfway done I knew I was going to throw up. I put the cup down and put my hand to my mouth, they knew. The nurse left and came back just in time. My puke was black and had some pills in it. I hated puking it all up. Knowing that they wouldn't do what I wanted them to anymore. 

"Am I going to have to make up for that?" I asked weakly. I was already weak from the draining night, but this made it worse. "I don't know, let me go ask the doctor. And no, you don't have to finish this." He motioned at the cup. 

I let out a sigh of relief. For about the next hour to hour and a half I just layed there, bored. Then the nurse came back. "Good news, doctor said you won't have to re-drink what you threw up." 

"Thank God." This time I sounded a lot stronger. "Well you can just chill until the doctor comes in to see you." 

"Can I sleep?" 

"Of course! You must be exhausted." By this point I could tell he was gay. Which I was excited about, I love gay people! 

But I couldn't sleep. The stupid monitor kept messing up and saying that I didn't have a pulse because the wires were coming loose. Plus I was FREEZING. 

Another woman nurse came in. "Do you need anything?" 

"Could I get another blanket please?" 

"Oh, sure!" 

She went over to this big metal cooler type thing, and she pulled out a blanket. "It's heated" she explained. 

She must've seen the look on my face when I saw her go to the what's obviously a heater. Oops. 

"Oh, thank you." 

"No, problem. Have your mom come to the nurses station if you need anything."

"Alright." I smiled. And she left.  

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