Emotional roller coaster

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Just then, out of the corner of my eye, I see my CPS case worker. He asked me the same questions as everyone else except he asked what my plan was after school. 

"To go to my friend Skylar's." 

He scribbled stuff down as I spoke. As I was talking to my caseworker the nurse says, "Dad doesn't want Rachel ralking to CPS without an attorney present." So the caseworker shut his notebook and left. 

After he left, my mom arrived. The nurse, the therapsit and doctor came with her. 

"Rachel, show your mom your wrists" Said the therapist.

"No." I refused. 

'Why not? She can handle it." She looked at me. 

I thought to myself "No she can't." I knew my mom couldn't handle the thought of me slitting my wrists and attempting suicide. My mom stood beside me with pleading eyes. So, I gave in. I pushed up my sleeves and showed her. She gasped, "Oh my god." She reached for my wrists, the cuts red and clearly almost done bleeding. They were open so you could see the muscle underneath. She continued to reach with trembling hands and teary eyes. I pulled away and covered up my wrists. i looked away, not wanting to see myu own mother cry when I was the cause. 

"Rachel, we're going to bring your dad in." I gave my mom a look of pleading no. 

"Rachel, he's going to have to come in sometime." Defeated, I sadly nodded. 

The officer went to get my dad from the waiting room. I could hear his cane coming down the hallway. 

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