Chapter 9...

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Hayley's eyes widen as she spots me from the stairs, I shake my head staring down making my way past her. Not wanting to even look at her face. I would never think my life would include in girls like her, she was to secretive.

" I'm sorry Payton, really I was busy with Liam at the time. Just come talk with me." She begs. She's a good actor I'd give her that.
I spin on the stairs glaring at the girl.
" You're disgusting." I spit eyeing her up and down. " Liam's using you don't you get that. Also I was with Liam while they chased me down, you weren't there."
She frowns as she stares at me surprised by my words.
" He is fucking not using me." She eyes turning to slits as she glares at me widening as they stay on the spot of my neck. She instantly smirks when she figures what it was.
" Seems like someone's got a mate." She giggles taking one step up closer to me. My hand reaches for the sore mark on my neck.
" He pinned me to the ground. I couldn't stop him." Her neck was clear but I'm sure she wouldn't stop him.
" Sure." She nods sarcastically while I roll my eyes turning and continuing my way to my bedroom. I hear her footstep continuing down the hall thankfully not following after me.
I open the door to find Kadence sprawled out on my bed. Here eyes meeting mine as I walk through the door.
" There's a party tomorrow after college. One of the preps from my school is hosting it. I'd really love it if my best friend could come with me." She practically jumps off the bed begging and pouting as I shake my head.
" Payton I miss you. You've been hanging around Hayley heaps and I just want to hang with my best friend. It's just going to be us two I promise." She stands to her feet her eyes begging me.
I sigh heavily taking off my jacket flinging it across the room as I mumble a fine. She instantly brightens as she squeals running to me wrapping her arms around me.


I was wearing stockings since the bruises and cuts on my knee weren't the best of sights. My walk to school was lonely but I didn't mind, I liked to clear my head alone. Having people around me just made it complicated and muddled my thoughts to much.
I had made it to class just in time. Acually groaning as I spot Liam sitting by the far window, his smile cruel as he watches me.
He nods to the seat next to him before raising his finger summoning me to him. I roll my eyes smirking as I shake my head sitting on the opposite side to him.
Before Liam could change his spot the teacher introduces himself to the class. He was really attractive and quite young.
He turns to the white board writing his name neatly in the corner. ' Mr Hartley'.
" I'll be your history teacher for the following of the year." He nods his eyes glancing to me.
Oh dear, his looks were great for an older man.

Class was quite long when you literally watch the teachers every move. He was honestly a god. Tall handsome looking god. From the looks of the other girls in the class, they were thinking the exact same thing.
I stand from my seat gathering my notes I hadn't realised I had written and place them all into my bag.
" I'll be seeing you tonight darling." I look up to find Liam just exiting the room. I forgot he was even in the same room as me. I hope he wasn't watching me during class.
I frown slinging my bag over my shoulder before smiling at Mr Hartley then walking out of the room.
Surely Liam and the others wouldn't know I'm attending that party? My mind remembers Kadence's desperate self wanting me to go to this party with her. Surely I had to be her best friend, why couldn't I be the type to actually enjoy school parties.

I walk out of the class to find the halls mostly empty just the few people closing there lockers ready for there next class.
I had only one more class for the day. And if it weren't for Harry I would have been set for the class but somehow I've managed to skip or miss every single one.
I enter the class room and most of the students already taken there seats. I manage to find one at the front next to a good looking boy.
And I'm surprised he isn't one of Harry's gang.
" I'm Ashton." The boy speaks his eyes then landing on me as I turn to him. He's very good looking, what is with this school and good looking guys.
" Payton." I nod back.
" Uhh you're an Australian as well." He smiles fixing his hair to the side. I slowly nod also smiling.
" I was beginning to think my accent was fading." I laugh grabbing out my books and pen just as my phone begins to vibrate.
' I see you've met Ashton, bad choice my darling,

Umm okay. Where the fuck can he see me?

I place my phone back in my pocket ignoring it.
" I'm surprised Harry hasn't introduced us yet." Ashton speaks facing the front, his lips slightly twitching. I roll my eyes, of course he knows Harry. The way he looks, the way he talks sounding so cocky and ignorant. The exact same personality as him, just not as dominant.
" Why would he I'm not his girlfriend." I spit out, whispering. I'm getting so annoyed hearing about Harry every single fucking day.
" Hmm not by the look of that." He points to my neck where I've tried to conceal the mark by covering it in makeup. It had covered a little but you could still notice the bruise if you're up close and concentrate on it.
I decide not to answer his question the anger building up again.
I wasn't even listening to the young looking teacher, her name spelt out on the whiteboard behind her as Miss Grey.
" Are you attending the party tonight?" He continues to speak which I continue to ignore. Only to make him chuckle beside me his eyes set on the side of my face.
" You're a very pretty girl. Such a pity Harry found you first." I'm beginning to get sick of his voice. " You would already be in my bed, panting my name. I can just hear them falling from your lips." I flinch his hand coming in contact with my thigh, my eyes following to his.
" Don't touch me." I hiss smacking his hand off me. And now I know why this was the only seat left.
He deeply laughs some peoples eyes of the room catching mine.
The bell then rings and I instantly stand to my feet grabbing my books, not bothering to pack them away. I need to get away from him.
I'm then shoved my books scattering across the floor, I sigh heavily crouching as a small giggle coming from above me. Feet coming from every direction coming out of the class room.
" You're a little clumsy." The voice speaks, I look up to find Eleanor smiling above me.
" Hey El." Ashton then walks out of the room noticing me on the floor.
" You pushed me." I shove his chest glaring at him, I knew it wasn't my clumsy feet. I had actually felt someone shove me.
His eyes then narrow not leaving mine.
I gasp his body forcing mine into the wall behind me, not giving me any space at all.
" Harry may be your little bitch but trust me baby. I'm no fucking bitch." His hand slapping itself against the back of my thighs. Yup, he's just like Harry.
I flinch again his weight being lifted away from me. Harry's angered face looking over to me for a split second.
" Come on we need to leave," Eleanor's grabbing my books off the ground and takes my hand.
" What why?" I gasp my free hand covering my mouth when I find Ashton beaten and bloody on the floor. Harry standing just above him.
The halls were filled with bystanders watching every moment, but not one of them flinched to help. Not even the teachers were intruding.
" Harry's angry." She continues to pull me away.
" H-He's coming." I whisper Harry's eyes not leaving mine as he turns away from Ashton's hurt body his legs stalking towards me.
" Of fuck," Eleanor gasps when my hand is taken from hers my body again being pressed to the nearest wall. Harry's body way to close to mine.
" Harry don't. She had no idea who Ashton was." Eleanor talks to him while his eyes are on mine, his bloody hand raising to my face his eyes twitching to my neck instantly darkening.
" You shouldn't have covered the damn mark." He growls his thumb rubbing over it. I wince the skin still hurting. He shoves himself closer his eyes concentrated on the mark.
I glare at him my arms shoving his body away from mine, he only moves a foot away again his eyes narrowing to anger.
" Don't touch me. I'm not yours so don't fucking defend me. Besides he saw the mark." I spit again shoving him when he takes the step forward. I then flinch the metal of the lockers rattling loudly as his fists slam into them, my body inside both his arms.
" Harry don't." Eleanor's voice is worried.
" Louis take her away." His eyes doesn't leave mine but I know he's talking to Louis.
" No- Harry you hurt her she'll hate you. Don't touch me Louis." Eleanor continues till I tilt my head to find Louis dragging her away. She's going to be in trouble because of me.
" I -" I stutter when the room is filled with silence. The look he is giving me would kill me if looks could kill.
" Do you not understand you're mine. If anyone's going to leave a mark on what's mine it will be me." He frowns his voice deep. Is he referring to him touching me or him speaking to me?
His head then sinks again to my neck making me press deeper into the locker behind me.
He kisses the spot before pulling away again my eyes carefully watching him as he continues to wipe the excess makeup off.
" You do this again I'll be sure to leave a mark on you, a permanent one." His hands tighten to my arms to an uncomfortable grip.
I slowly nod realising his waiting for me to answer.
" Good girl."

So it wasn't as much drama as I wanted but it's longer then I expected and hope you guys enjoy.
Even though Eleanor and Louis broke up in real life I still want her in the story she's a lovely girl the same with Zayn and Perrie.
Enjoy xxx

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