Chapter - 2

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Love Never Gives Up
Chapter 2
'The Green Dress'
By; Mike Hurley

So, why is how you did this, such a secret??

It was just stupid Scott, a dumb accident.
I'd rather not talk about it.

I think we better numb this up before I stitch it. There, I rinsed the hell out of it. Ok, needle time, little poke, little pain.....

Ugh.......damn!! That's a lot of pain!!
You know you're bedside manner sucks!!

I love you too Ty!!
Needle is the worst part....... ok let's take 5, so this Lidocaine can do it's magic.

It's burning bad Scott.......
Oh God!! I wish Amy was here!!
I feel nauseous.

Seeing our own blood can be traumatic.
Women have a way of calming us down, don't they??

Yeah, Amy could always figure out what to say to help me feel better.

Women are like that, they nurture & heal their families.
If Amy was here, I'd have her hold your arm while I stitched.

Geeeez Scott!! I'm a vet!! I see pain all the time. And, she's not here ok!!

You're the one who wished she was here.

I was hallucinating!!

I could call her for you. Tell her you're acting like a 5 year old.

Would you stop!!

So, what's the most blood you've seen Ty??

The Coopers, last year, they brought in their lab.......Her name was lady. Escaped from the yard chasing a ball and was hit by a car.
What a mess. Blood all over the back seat.
There was even blood in her eyes, she was a sweet dog. I can still hear her whimpers!!
I put her down!! They wanted a miracle.
It was too late for miracles......she was in a ton of pain. Broken pelvis & both femurs shattered.
Why would you even ask your vet to do surgery, they were weird people.
Their gate was broken, and they live on
a busy street.

They loved Lady. There's nothing wrong about that asking for a miracle!!

I guess.....but I didn't know a dog had that much blood. Still makes me sick to think about that. Freaking idiot who hit her just drove off.
What an ass!! I would of beat the crap out of the guy.

How were they??


Lady's family, the Coopers.

There were tears everywhere. I had to go in the back room; I was crying too. She was such a sweet dog.

God!! Now I'm upset again thinking of Lady.
Scott, why did you ask me that?? Now I'm
all upset too!!

It's an old doctors trick. Get your patient yammering about a topic their passionate about and they don't faint when I stitch them up.

Omg!!! You got my stitches in.

Didn't feel a thing did you!!

Scott, I admired you the first day I rode along with you. I was blown away by your compassion with that cow...... remember, Millar's dairy cow over on Saddle Creek Hwy. She breached & was terrified & exhausted, and couldn't go much longer. You turned the calf, but how you calmed that cow with just your voice...... You got her up, gate her water & a little hay, an IV drip of electrolytes. You massaged her back.
I knew right then, I wanted to be a vet!!
You were incredible Scott!!

You're a good vet too Ty!!
You care for your patients.
And you have a calming effect on them too.

You know how to get the blood out of that shirt??

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