Chapter - 10

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Love Never Gives Up
Chapter - 10
'The Climb'
By; Mike Hurley

Ty stood at the curb & stared as the cab drove away.  He was in shock.  Amy offering to move here & start a life with him was a ball into left field. He never saw that coming.
All Ty could think about was sitting on the sofa back at Heartand Ranch, in front of a fire, with Amy's head in his lap, she was all curled up & sound asleep.  He gently rubbed her back.

Ty needed sex with Amy bad.  He was full & had been uncomfortable for weeks. But Right now in his imagination; he just rubbed her back, and watched her sleep.  This was not the time for an intimate daydream.
She was beautiful and right there by the curb, in front of the St John's animal clinic......Ty knew something for sure about Amy.....

He was a certain as the sun would set tonight, that someday Amy would ask him, to get her pregnant.  She would conceive and be the mother of his child.  They would start a family.
The Ty & Amy Borden family.

Are you ok??

Ty turned & looked at Reggie.


Amy's lovely!!  I met her for just a moment in the hall. You're a lucky man Ty.
I heard what she did to keep your patient quiet,  and she's a licensed equine & canine acupuncturist.
Simply an amazing young woman!!


Ty, my next appointment is a home visit.
Lilly Mann's little peekenese.
Lilly is 88 and Peeky is 18.
Somehow they take care of each other.
So.....Amy & Ty Borden!!  Has a nice ring too it!!
I here you're going to marry her!!

Ty smiled & said; absolutely!!

Reggie gave Ty a guy hug & said; I'll pick you up for dinner @ 6:30.  Be hungry; they're making chicken & dumplings.


Amy glanced at her ring finger & sighed.
She had a distant hope she might be leaving this city with her engagement ring.
But it was not to be.
Amy had a plan, and she remembered her grandfathers adage.

'Love never gives up'.

Just like the 1300 pound, solid oak desk in
John F Kennedy's Oval Office; Amy's heart was 'Resolute'.

Her determination to marry Ty was as unmovable as the deep friendship between
Franklin Roosevelt and Winston Churchill.
They turned the Atlantic Ocean into a pond.

Amy had watched Lou meander thru lots of relationships and emerge as unhappy as when she began.  'Men are not disposable', Amy once heard her mom telling a friend, years ago.
Amy wasn't exactly sure what her mom meant by that comment.
But for Amy, she had too much love invested in her relationship with Ty.
Starting over with another man, was not an option; plus, Amy's heart forbade it.

Amy wanted a man who'd stand by her, through the fiercest of storms.
A man who feared nothing except losing her love.  Amy was convinced Dr Tyler Borden of Hudson, Alberta was that man.
Her plan was unfolding beautifully, her timeline was right on track. When Ty arrived home Friday night, Amy would prove to him, she was capable of loving him through anything life threw at them.

Her loyalty to Ty was pure.
She opened her photos app & stared at a wedding photo of another couple, who said their vows half a century ago. A couple who inspired Amy to buy a plane ticket & head out into unknown territory.  They gave her the courage to tell Ty, she would make her home where he made his.  Lyndy & Jackson Bartlett, promised to love each other, till the end of time.

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