Chapter - 6

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Love Never Gives Up
Chapter 6 / Amy's Protector
By: Mike Hurley

Hey Grandpa!!!

Hi Amy!! You look happy.

I've got a plan Grandpa!!
Is there any lasagna left??

Look on the fridge, 2nd shelf in the back.

Found it!! I'm starving. Ty loves lasagna; it's his favorite meal.

You haven't eaten much since .......Ty.

Was it that obvious??

Yeah, I know you've been hurting Amy.
Does your 'plan' involve Ty??

Yes!! Of course.
Did you know he has a dog.

Yeah he said something about that.
A 'hot dog' dog.

They're call Dachshunds. His name is Leo, and I love him!! I love Leo almost as much as I love Ty.

Are you going to kidnap Leo!??

Are you busy grandpa??

No, nothing I can't do later; what do you need.

Do we have any of those Kalamata olives??

Behind the milk in the door.

I um, found a brand new 2022 Chevy Silverado in town at Gil's Chevy Dealership; I want to buy it.
I took it for a test drive for an hour, got on the highway, and it's rated really high in Kelly Blue Book, and you know what??

Jack grinned & replied.......I'm afraid to ask!!

Amy slid a plate of lasagna in the microwave & set it to cook.
It's purple!! Black interior!! When I pushed on the accelerator to merge onto Deer Trail.....
It growled, just like your truck growls.
I'd like you to drive it & see what you think.
I don't know how to haggle with those salesmen, can you do that for me??

Of course Amy; Purple is your favorite color!!
Is it a 4X4??

Yup!! 4X4 'and' all wheel drive.......and it's loaded. Except a sun roof. We don't need sun roofs in Alberta.

Why do you need a truck Amy??
You can use mine or Lou's, and she's gone weeks at a time to New York.

I just want my own vehicle grandpa, I make a good living & so I can afford a car payment.
I'll take $5000.00 out of my savings for a down payment.

What size engine??
You'll need a lot of horsepower to pull a horse trailer.

The microwave dinged.....
6.0, V8 Vortex & half the engine turns off when I'm cruising on the highway. It's a crew cab so it's long, so a trailer won't throw it around on the highway.

Does buying this truck have something to do with Ty??


Can't you just kiss him??
That'd be a hell of a lot cheaper, than buying a new truck.

Grandpa!! Men are complicated!!
They need more than a kiss!!
And I've wanted my own truck for a while now.

Is Ty going to be cruising with you??

Amy smiled, & replied......
I love him grandpa!! I've loved him since he gave me a ride home from Ashley's party......

I know you love Ty.
I first saw it, that same night,
& I wanted to kick his butt to Montana.

I would have walked to Montana & found Ty, kissed him, and brought him home.

I know you would have honey!!
That's why I gave Ty a shovel the next morning. Your mom gave Ty a promise & I intended to keep it.

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