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Love Never Gives Up
Chapter -12
Written by: Mike Hurley

Note: many of you have wondered what was in Scott's letter to Ty.  This final chapter reveals Scott's intentions and much more. The story comes to an end with a splash!! 
And this chapter contains another version of Ty proposing marriage to Amy. 

Ty stared at an X-Ray in his office.  A photo of Amy & Leo sat on his desk.
He wore surgical gloves, and a face mask covered his nose & mouth.  A technician held his patient next door on an operating table.  She weighed 532 grams, a female, and was estimated to be 3 years of age.  She was sedated and beautiful; her feathers were impeccably clean and symmetrical.
Someone else preened her head feathers every night.
Her breathing was normal & relaxed.  Her heart rate was steady at 99 beats per minute.
And her mate stood on a branch outside the Hudson Animal Clinic with a dead mouse in its beak. He had seen her collide with the car & bounce up into the air, then land on her back in the gravel.  He watched as an elderly man driving a new car stopped & gently talked to her, then scooped her up into a blanket & set her in his wife's lap in the back seat.

The male flew frantically high above & followed the car for 8 miles and landed on the roof of the
Hudson Animal Clinic.  He watched dutifully as his mate was rushed in the front door.

They carefully carried her into the lobby & checked in.
Within 2 minutes, a veterinarian stepped into the waiting room......A stethoscope hung around his neck.  A gift a few years ago from his girlfriend.

Hi!!  I'm Dr. Ty Borden, I understand you saw this little girl get hit by a car.  Ty knelt on the ground & began an initial exam.  Within seconds he pulled her right-wing feathers apart and saw a problem.

Yes, that's right, she seems stunned, like, you know, she's in shock or something.  She's still breathing.  What kind of owl is she, doctor??

She's a barn owl, I'd guess about 3 years old.
She's probably had two clutches of babies in her life.  They mate for life and her male is very protective of her.  I wouldn't be surprised if he's outside right now.  They often hunt together, so he probably saw her get hit & flew over your car here.

Will she be ok & recover??

My gut feeling is yes.  Ty replied softly.

A technician in her 60s walked out and lifted the big raptor out of the lady's arms.
Is it ok if we take her back; Ty asked politely.

Of course, please....... The man stood & helped his wife up.
Will there be any charges & can we wait to see how she does??  The gentleman asked while holding his wife's hand & steadying her.

We have a 'Good Samaritan Fund' that will cover her bills.  You're welcome to donate to that if you'd like.  The front desk can get your # & we can call you with updates.  Or you're  welcome to wait here, or Maggie's is not far away if you'd like to get lunch or coffee or something

Ok good, what was your name again doctor??

You can just call me Ty & this is Marcy, our technician.  We'll take good care of your owl.

Oh, she's not our owl......she belongs to God.

I guess that makes us her angels, the lady piped up.

Ty smiled & followed Marcy into the back.
The big owl stood & struggled to get free, but then settled back down into Marcy's arms.


Leo the dachshund was sound asleep on
Ty & Amy's bed. He had never been happier;
He loved Ty, and he loved Amy & now they were a couple, who both loved him.
He couldn't see or hear, yet Leo had other senses which medical science could not fathom.
He opened his eyes & perked his ears, as doing so was hard coded in his canine brain.  Yet he knew Amy was walking up the steps. 
Leo jumped off the bed, his amazing mind guided him at a slow run into the kitchen. He never ran into a wall or went off course......

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Sep 06, 2023 ⏰

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