Chapter 1 - The Battle

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Thank you for reading! I don't own any of Harry Potter! Please let me know if you enjoy! Updates every Saturday!

Harriet Potter felt the ground beneath her feet tremble as she scrambled towards the boathouse.

As the violence from the Battle of Hogwarts raged on behind her, she grit her teeth and forced herself to move faster, desperate to reach her destination in time.

A moment spent in the Pensieve had started her journey and changed the course of the war.

If Harriet had been patient enough to watch all of Dumbledore's memories, then maybe, her path would have been different.

Harriet felt the unwelcome beginnings of sweat from her exertion as she finally made it to the boathouse, threw the door open, and barged inside.

Relief flooded her heart when she saw Severus Snape standing alone and gazing at her with his black eyes wide in shocked apprehension.

"Potter!" Her headmaster hissed after he recovered from his surprise, "What are you doing here?! You're supposed to be-"

"-He's coming to kill you!" Harriet interrupted Severus with a gasp, "He's coming to kill you, Professor! I have to-"

A sudden pop rang out.

Severus's dark eyes narrowed at Harriet.

She stared back at him in bewilderment for a brief second as footsteps were heard moving down the narrow corridor that led into the boathouse.

Severus gnashed his teeth at Harriet before he swung his arm and pushed her down behind a pile of crates.

"Severus....." An eerily calm voice called out as those footsteps made their way into the room.

Harriet's heart raced in her chest as she recognized the speaker.

When she heard a low, dull, sliding sound, she instantly understood that the noise meant Voldemort's huge snake, Nagini, must have been slithering across the damp floorboards.

"I appreciate you coming so quickly, most trusted servant......" Voldemort began.

Harriet dared to peer around the crates as she watched Voldemort circle Severus while he spoke.

"Of lord." Severus replied in a voice barely above a whisper, "How may I be of service?"

Contrary to her belief, Harriet had not brought any startling news.

Severus had come to the boathouse prepared to die and if anything, the faint scent of the omega hiding behind the crates gave him courage.

Severus Snape had made the right decision.

"You're a clever man, Severus." Voldemort went on with a sneer, "Tell me, is it true that the Elder Wand belongs to me now?"

Harriet drew in a silent breath as the tension between the two wizards increased.

"Yes, my lord." Severus answered as he managed to replicate the hint of a smile, "There is no one more powerful than you. The Elder Wand will obey your commands without hesitation, you need not worry."

"Severus......" Voldemort sneered with an unsettling cackle.

Harriet watched from behind the crates as Nagini laid on the floor, waiting for an order, while Severus and Voldemort stared each other down.

Severus wore a solemn look of stoic resolution on his pale face, but Voldemort's expression quickly changed into a hideous snarl.

"That can't be true, Severus!" Voldemort hissed hatefully, "The Elder Wand obeys the wizard who kills its previous master!"

Harriet Potter: Tom Riddle's Wife, Severus Snape's LoverWhere stories live. Discover now