Chapter 4 - The Riddle Wedding

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To Harriet's dismay, the day of her wedding to Tom Riddle arrived startlingly quickly.

Nausea twisted her stomach while Luna and Hermione fussed over her in preparation to present her to the groom that she hated.

Harriet looked breathtakingly beautiful.

Her dark hair had been fashioned into elegant braids, her cheeks had been rouged, and her lips had been colored a bright shade of red.

The dress Tom had chosen for her was lovely, but Harriet despised it.

Her wedding ensemble was in two pieces, with a short top that exposed her back and barely covered her breasts, and a skirt that trailed along, both made from lovely silks of absinthe green and deepest black, embroidered with silver swirls.

Harriet's belly, most of her spine, and a hint of her breasts were exposed by her wedding outfit  and it sickened her that Tom would spend the day leering at her body.

Wasn't what he would do to her that night enough?

Why didn't he just barge in and take her if he wanted her so badly?

Harriet swallowed thickly as she contemplated the thrill he surely received from teasing her so cruelly.

"What's wrong, Harriet?" Hermione asked when she saw the frown that had planted itself on her friend's face that morning.

"O-Oh......nothing." Harriet sniffed as she shook her head, "I-I'm a bit nervous, that's all."

"Harriet...." Hermione breathed. She smiled at her friend and placed her hand on her cheek.

Harriet wished that she could speak to Hermione, the real Hermione, not the puppet that she had become.

"This is going to be one of the best days of your life........" Hermione grinned.

"........And one of the best nights too." Luna chimed in with a giggle.

As Luna and Hermione laughed with each other, Harriet ignored the urge to smash the glass out of the mirror that in front of herself.


The impressive Riddle castle boasted a large courtyard positioned directly in its center.

Harriet had wandered through that courtyard several times, but she never dared to stay in such an open place for very long.

She remembered the courtyard as nondescript and barren, but as she peered through the narrow windows of the winding stairwell that morning, she chuckled dryly when she saw it had been covered in soft, lush grass and adorned with beautiful arrangements of flawless flowers.

Did Tom Riddle think that she would fall in love with him and forget all of his evil deeds over a few blossoms?

Luna and Hermione walked behind her and carried the trailing train of her intricate dress as she made her way down the narrow staircase and out into the square, stone walkway that lined the perimeter of the courtyard.

When Harriet stepped onto that stone path, Severus moved forward to greet her.

As soon as her emerald eyes fell on him, she breathed a silent sigh of longing.

It was all that she could do not to cry out and beg him to take her away from that horrible place, from horrible Tom Riddle, and his horrible plans.

Behind Severus, Harriet saw Tom standing next to the wedding officiant while he smirked at her.

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