Chapter 8 - An Heir?

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For the next week, Severus took control of the situation to guard Harriet.

He handled Lord Riddle's meetings and affairs after he told everyone that the Dark Lord was busy tending to his wife during her cycle and had given specific instructions that he did not wish to be disturbed.

Tom's reliance on Severus Snape was no secret.

There wasn't a single member of Lord Riddle's ranks who doubted the words that Severus spoke in his low drawl.

During that week, Tom and Harriet both remained asleep, lulled into a heavy slumber by Severus's handiwork.

He visited their bedroom several times a day to care for them using magic.

Beyond nutrition and cleanliness, with Tom firmly asleep, Severus enjoyed the extended opportunities he had to gaze at his lover.

His lover.

His omega.

His mate.

Sometimes, Severus would simply frown down at Harriet and soothingly stroke her hair as he contemplated what their next move should be.

How would they continue to fool Tom?

What weapon would they possibly be able to use against him?

That week passed by far too quickly.

On the final morning of Harriet's heat, Severus's well-formulated potions began to wear off at last.

No longer plagued by intense warmth or burning desire, Harriet only felt a slight ache in her belly as she slowly blinked her eyes open and frowned as her memories came rushing back.

After spending a week immersed in a dream world where she and Severus had married, enjoyed gardening together, and happily raised several children, it made her scowl to remember the strict confines in which she existed.

She glanced over and watched Tom start to stir next to her.

He had enjoyed an oppositely similar experience.

The visions that had danced through his mind about all of the vulgar things he and Harriet had done together would have made the prostitutes of Knockturn Alley blush.

As obscene and false as those visions had been though, Tom believed them to be real.

When he opened his eyes and saw Harriet next to him, he was convinced that his new omega lay satisfied and fulfilled after a week of tireless lovemaking.

"Good morning, pet." Tom greeted her with a smirk and a purr.

"Good morning." Harriet replied politely.

When he moved to sit up, she knew that he would kiss her.

If it had only been Tom's kisses that she had to endure, she would have had much less trouble.

Harriet let a small cry escape her throat to please her husband more as he bent down and pressed his lips against hers.

She was grateful that he pulled back mercifully quickly to rest his forehead against hers as he closed his eyes with a sigh.

"This last week.......has been.....incredible." Tom whispered in his smooth, calm voice.

"I.....I'm glad you're satisfied with me." Harriet replied with a small smile.

Harriet Potter: Tom Riddle's Wife, Severus Snape's LoverWhere stories live. Discover now