Chapter 6 - A Dangerous Longing

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Harriet's fiery kiss with Severus lit a new, determined fire inside her heart.

She did everything that she could to avoid her new husband's attempts at lovemaking.

Although Lord and Lady Riddle's marriage remained unconsummated due to Harriet's stealthy evasion, Tom continued to share her bed each night.

She often lay awake and stared at the wall while he held her close in his arms and slept.

Harriet kept her heart carefully guarded against Tom's charms.

Lord Riddle's scent was tempting, the powerful fragrance of black pine, warm amber, and fresh mint.

Regardless, as dominant and strong as he was, Harriet wouldn't allow herself to be swept under his spell like the rest of the magical world.

In those lonely moments, she fiercely clung to the bond that she had already formed with Severus.

Although he was not yet her mate, he was her ally.

One particularly dark night, Harriet clutched onto her pillow more tightly as she thought of him.

Why couldn't she have won the war?

Tom Riddle would have been defeated and she would have found a way to break the icy chains around Severus Snape's broken heart.

It could have been Severus Snape lying behind her, not Tom Riddle.

Harriet would have gladly let Severus fill her womb with his pups.


Under Lord Riddle's orders, Severus continued to brew the fertility potion.

Despite Harriet's sly endeavors to keep her spouse at bay, one morning she woke with tender breasts and a low, cramping sensation deep in her belly.

She rolled onto her back with an irritated huff as she passed a hand over her face.

Harriet took a deep breath as she contemplated what those sensations meant.

They were pesky and bothersome, but not unfamiliar.

She had felt those same aches previously, once before a Quidditch match, inconveniently enough.

Harriet frowned as she pondered the unignorable truth........her next heat was coming.

Heats made conception much more likely but not certain.

She wondered for a moment if Tom would be willing to abandon the idea of the fertility potion if he knew th-

"......Are you having a bit of trouble this morning, pet?" A voice purred beside Harriet.

Harriet's eyes shot wide open to see Tom lying beside her.

How odd.

Tom had usually woken, dressed, and left for the day before she ever stirred.

She had felt no one next to her that morning and silently, she begrudged her devious husband for lying so stealthily in wait.

"I'm perfectly fine, thanks." Harriet nodded as Tom propped himself up on one arm and gazed down at her.

His dark stare was piercing.

The angles of his handsome face spoke of temptation as his soft curls gently tumbled down around his temples.

Harriet's breath hitched as he reached out and gently stroked her cheek.

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