Chapter 5 - Harriet's Aid

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Severus rushed to aid his master and tend to Lady Riddle.

He crouched by the bed while he examined Harriet as she whimpered in pain.

Tom watched from across the room with his dark eyes narrowed in suspicious concern.

When Severus's black gaze flickered towards Harriet's face, she found not harsh reprimandation in his expression, but instead, a look of deep sympathy.

"What ails her, Severus?" Tom asked from across the room, "Can you determine the cause of the bleeding?"

Harriet had slyly used Sectumsempra to slit her inner thigh and Severus knew it.

He forced himself not to smirk.

The situation that Harriet had created at least offered Severus a reasonable excuse to give to Tom.

"She's menstruating, my lord." Severus informed his dark master as he turned to face him, "There is little doubt in my mind that the pain of her empty womb forced her into hysterics."

"Menstruating?" Tom asked with his eyes narrowed incredulously, "Is that usually such a violent affair for omegas?"

"That depends on the nature of the cycle's arrival, my lord." Severus lied.

"Ah." Tom answered with a nod, unquestionably believing Severus's ridiculous falsehood as absolute truth.

For Lord Riddle to be so powerful, it was an almost humorous thing, the astounding amount of trust that he placed in Severus Snape.

"What shall I do with her, then?" Tom asked.

Harriet blinked as she looked at her new husband.

Was that the hint of a pout that she watched form on his lips?

"For the night, let her rest, my lord." Severus answered, "Menstruation taxes the body, she'll surely turn away from your touch."

".....And her fertility?" Tom asked.

"-Is a nonfactor currently." Severus replied, "The human form can only be tasked with so many efforts at once, my lord."

Tom nodded as he accepted the statements that Severus had spoken to him.

Harriet breathed a silent sigh of relief, grateful for the shield that Severus had thrown between her and her husband.

He may have only bought her a single night more of solace, but he bought it, and for that, she felt glad.

"Shall I escort Lady Riddle back to her rooms, my lord? To ensure that she doesn't disturb you?" Severus asked.

"No, that won't be necessary, Severus." Tom Riddle replied with a wicked grin, "My darling bride could never disturb me."

Harriet's heart sank.

"As you wish, my lord." Severus replied with a nod and a polite bow, "I shall be in my chambers if you or Lady Riddle require further assistance."

"You're not going to rejoin the party, Severus?" Tom scoffed as Severus walked towards the door.

"Forgive me, my lord, but I must begin the brewings for the coming day." Severus replied as he looked over and answered his master.

When Severus fell silent, Tom sneered and called out, "Severus!"

"Yes, my lord?" Severus asked as he turned back around.

Harriet Potter: Tom Riddle's Wife, Severus Snape's LoverWhere stories live. Discover now