Chapter 3 - Lady Riddle

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Thank you for reading! I don't own any of Harry Potter! Please let me know if you enjoy! Updates every Saturday!

Harriet spent the following week adjusting to her pampered yet restricted life in the palace-like castle that served as her new prison.

Whenever she hungered, house elves scrambled to deliver whatever food she requested as quickly as possible.

Tom allowed her to move freely throughout the castle, but from the eerie echoes that resounded in the hallways, Harriet knew that the eyes of his spies remained focused on her.

It surprised her that although her nuptials had already been scheduled, she saw very little of her forced fiancé.

Luna and Hermione provided the majority of her company, but whether about a headache or a slight feeling of fatigue, Harriet made any complaint that she feasibly could.

A complaint raised alarm about her health, which in Tom's eyes, dictated a need for a potion.

It hadn't taken long for Harriet to learn that potions for the Riddles were made, delivered, and administered by........Severus Snape himself.

One bright, sunny day, as the seagulls in the distance called out over the glimmering water, Harriet sat on her bed, safely inside her room while Luna knelt behind her on the blankets and plaited her hair.

Hermione crouched on the floor in front of Harriet while she washed her feet in a basin filled with water, flower petals, and sugar.

"You'll look so beautiful when you marry Lord Riddle, Harriet." Luna spoke in her singsong voice as her hands nimbly wove through Harriet's thick, dark hair, "The dress that he's chosen is lovely, I saw it myself this morning."

".......Is it?" Harriet replied distractedly.

"Nevermind the dress, Harriet." Hermione chimed in, "It's your vows that will mean something. Imagine how romantic it will be when you tell your grandchildren of the love that Lord Riddle showed you on the day you became his wife! How many women would kill to marry an alpha as handsome and as wonderful as him?!"

Harriet resisted the urge to gag on the lies that her adversary's spell had made Hermione, her usually level-headed and intelligent friend, believe.

"I think it's a bit early to consider my grandchildren." Harriet replied with a mirthless chuckle as Luna finished with her hair and Hermione dried her feet.

Luna and Hermione shared a giggle as they glanced at each other.

Harriet looked between them and frowned before she asked, ".........What?"

"I don't think that Lord Riddle feels the same way." Luna said with a smile.

"All alphas want children, Harriet. Lord Riddle is no exception." Hermione grinned as she stood, emptied the basin with a simple charm, and walked towards the door with Luna.

"Do you need anything else right now, Harriet?" Luna asked as she blinked over at her friend.


Harriet hadn't needed her hair plaited or her feet washed.

Tom had ordered those services and her bewitched handmaidens had jumped to fulfill his commands.

"Actually, I have a.....a terrible ache in my chest that just started....May I have some Healing Potion please?" Harriet said as she raised a hand to her heart in feigned pain.

"Of course, Harriet." Hermione said.

"Thanks." Harriet nodded.

Hermione and Luna exchanged worried frowns as they left the room.

Harriet Potter: Tom Riddle's Wife, Severus Snape's LoverWhere stories live. Discover now